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{"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"categoryState":{"relatedCategories":{"headers":{"timestamp":"2025-03-18T08:01:15+00:00"},"categoryId":34224,"data":{"title":"Business, Careers, & Money","slug":"business-careers-money","image":{"src":"//","width":643,"height":1286},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224}],"parentCategory":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"childCategories":[{"categoryId":34225,"title":"Business","slug":"business","_links":{"self":"//"},"image":{"src":"/img/background-image-2.fabfbd5c.png","width":0,"height":0},"hasArticle":true,"hasBook":true,"articleCount":6152,"bookCount":195},{"categoryId":34256,"title":"Careers","slug":"careers","_links":{"self":"//"},"image":{"src":"/img/background-image-1.daf74cf0.png","width":0,"height":0},"hasArticle":true,"hasBook":true,"articleCount":1141,"bookCount":52},{"categoryId":34273,"title":"Personal Finance","slug":"personal-finance","_links":{"self":"//"},"image":{"src":"/img/background-image-2.fabfbd5c.png","width":0,"height":0},"hasArticle":true,"hasBook":true,"articleCount":2318,"bookCount":108}],"description":"Whether you’re managing a budget, an estate, or a team of professionals, you’ll learn how to achieve your goals with these books. Covering everything from cryptocurrency to customer service, Dummies can help you move toward your dream job, grow a business, plan for retirement, or keep your finances in shape.","relatedArticles":{"self":"//"},"hasArticle":true,"hasBook":true,"articleCount":9612,"bookCount":355},"_links":{"self":"//"}},"relatedCategoriesLoadedStatus":"success"},"listState":{"list":{"count":10,"total":9612,"items":[{"headers":{"creationTime":"2025-03-14T13:11:39+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-03-14T13:11:39+00:00","timestamp":"2025-03-14T15:01:10+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Personal Finance","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"personal-finance","categoryId":34273},{"name":"Investing","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"investing","categoryId":34288},{"name":"General Investing","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"general-investing","categoryId":34300}],"title":"AI Investing For Dummies Cheat Sheet","strippedTitle":"ai investing for dummies cheat sheet","slug":"ai-investing-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Discover how AI can save you money and simplify your financial decisions with the AI Investing For Dummies Cheat Sheet.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"Artificial intelligence (otherwise known as AI) can save you lots of money and help you do things that were either costly or a pipe dream only a few years ago — and that includes helping you with investing and financial pursuits.","description":"Artificial intelligence (otherwise known as AI) can save you lots of money and help you do things that were either costly or a pipe dream only a few years ago — and that includes helping you with investing and financial pursuits.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9001,"name":"Paul Mladjenovic","slug":"paul-mladjenovic","description":" <p> <b>Paul Mladjenovic</b> is a financial, business, and investment educator and national speaker with 40-plus years of experience. He has authored numerous Dummies guides, including the bestselling <i>Stock Investing For Dummies, Currency Trading For Dummies, Investing in Gold & Silver For Dummies, High-Level Investing For Dummies, </i>and others. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34300,"title":"General Investing","slug":"general-investing","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":33574,"title":"AI","slug":"ai","_links":{"self":"//"}},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":296168,"title":"DeFi For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"defi-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":295944,"title":"How Factor Investing Puts You in Charge","slug":"how-factor-investing-puts-you-in-charge","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":295921,"title":"The Advantages of Factor Investing","slug":"the-advantages-of-factor-investing","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":295850,"title":"What Is Factor Investing?","slug":"what-is-factor-investing","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":295683,"title":"Factor Investing For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"factor-investing-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":301634,"slug":"ai-investing-for-dummies","isbn":"9781394237036","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","general-investing"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":"//","width":203,"height":255},"title":"AI Investing For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":true,"authorsInfo":"<p><p> <b><b data-author-id=\"9001\">Paul Mladjenovic</b></b> is a financial, business, and investment educator and national speaker with 40-plus years of experience. He has authored numerous Dummies guides, including the bestselling <i>Stock Investing For Dummies, Currency Trading For Dummies, Investing in Gold & Silver For Dummies, High-Level Investing For Dummies, </i>and others.</p>","authors":[{"authorId":9001,"name":"Paul Mladjenovic","slug":"paul-mladjenovic","description":" <p> <b>Paul Mladjenovic</b> is a financial, business, and investment educator and national speaker with 40-plus years of experience. He has authored numerous Dummies guides, including the bestselling <i>Stock Investing For Dummies, Currency Trading For Dummies, Investing in Gold & Silver For Dummies, High-Level Investing For Dummies, </i>and others. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"_links":{"self":"//"}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;general-investing&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394237036&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65f311372d069\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;general-investing&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394237036&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65f311372f447\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Cheat Sheet","articleList":[{"articleId":0,"title":"","slug":null,"categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"content":[{"title":"Saving money by using artificial intelligence","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Artificial intelligence is a groundbreaking technology that’s constantly changing. Here are several ways that consumers and investors can save money using AI:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Save money on financial advisor fees.</strong> AI can analyze your portfolio or give you a detailed report on any position in your brokerage account. Specialized AI tools such as robo-advisors can be suitable for experienced investors to help them reduce investment advisory fees.</li>\n<li><strong>Save on taxes.</strong> AI can help you prepare and analyze all your tax data with Excel so you can find tax deductions and credits to save big on your taxes. AI can also help you understand complex tax rules and new tax law changes so you don’t overpay on your taxes.</li>\n<li><strong>Save on legal fees.</strong> Before you spend too much on legal services, keep in mind that AI can analyze and summarize legal documents. It can also create documents such as agreements, simple wills, and other legal documents.</li>\n<li><strong>Save money on tutors.</strong> AI can train you on either simple skills or complex subject matter (such as chemistry or math). AI can also give you detailed explanations of a given term, issue, or concept in your subject.</li>\n<li><strong>Save money on</strong> <strong>gift buying.</strong> If you have a limited budget, you can ask AI to provide an extensive list of gifts that fit your budget and your special occasion. An example prompt is “I am on a tight budget. It’s my son’s birthday, so please provide a list of 20 impressive gifts that are $50 or less.”</li>\n<li><strong>Do a financial plan.</strong> Financial planners can charge hundreds for a financial plan, but AI-enhanced financial software can take your data and prepare a professional-level financial plan easily.</li>\n<li><strong>Translate</strong> <strong>languages.</strong> AI can help you understand phrases and dialogue in virtually any major language. It can even teach you an entire language. Language tutors, classes, and software can be expensive, but AI can do this for free.</li>\n<li><strong>Help you manage your debt and credit.</strong> AI-powered apps can alert you to pending issues with credit and debt and also help you manage your spending so it doesn’t harm your finances.</li>\n<li><strong>Save big on year-round deals.</strong> AI can help you learn what products and services are either too high or are screaming bargains in every month and season through the year to help you save hundreds (or more) in your budget.</li>\n<li><strong>Eat out for less.</strong> You can ask AI about easy and delicious recipes just by listing what ingredients you have, and it will give you many inexpensive ideas for eating at home.</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Studying economic data with artificial intelligence","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>AI can explain economics (and make it useful to you) so that you can make better investing decisions with your portfolio and financial goals. Here are a few economic terms to drill down on with AI:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Gross Domestic Product (GDP):</strong> Analyze it and make it understandable. Have AI analyze current data for you so you can create a strong stock and exchange-traded fund (ETF) portfolio.</li>\n<li><strong>Leading Economic Indicators (LEI):</strong> Get to know how the LEI work and what to look out for so that you can stay a step ahead of today’s market.</li>\n<li><strong>The labor market:</strong> If it’s good — or bad — AI can help you position yourself so that your investments aren’t blindsided by the latest job market issues.</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Asking AI about fundamental and technical analysis","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>You’ll have a tough time investing for the long term if you aren’t familiar and comfortable with fundamental analysis. AI can help you with the following:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Understanding profitability and how that propels a company forward (along with their stock!)</li>\n<li>Knowing the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, which is paramount for sound investing</li>\n<li>Analyzing a stock’s industry — if you have a winning stock in a solid industry, you’ll succeed</li>\n</ul>\n<p>A second area to be aware of is technical analysis. Yes, it can be a little complicated, but AI can break it down so you’re clear on how it works and how to use it. You can get a handle on the following:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The relative strength index (RSI) and how that can help you time your buy (or sell) move for optimal profits</li>\n<li>Moving averages and how stock traders use them for optimal entry and exit points</li>\n</ul>\n"}],"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Advance","lifeExpectancy":"Two years","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2025-03-14T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":301673},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2017-03-26T11:27:24+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-03-07T13:14:39+00:00","timestamp":"2025-03-07T15:01:08+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Marketing","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"marketing","categoryId":34243}],"title":"13 Ways To Do Inexpensive Market Research","strippedTitle":"13 ways to do inexpensive market research","slug":"13-cheap-market-research-methods-you-can-do-yourself","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"There are many effective ways to research your market without hiring a professional. Here are 13 useful methods you can start on immediately.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"Here are some things you can begin to do for a new marketing campaign for your small business. Before you hire professionals, see what you can do yourself.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Compare your approach to that of your competitors</h2>\r\nWhen you compare your marketing approach to competitors, you easily find out what customers like best. Make a list of the things that your competitors do differently than you. Does one of them price higher? Does another give away free samples? Do some of them offer money-back guarantees?\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">Make a list of at least five points of difference between your business and its major competitors based on an analysis of marketing practices. Now ask ten of your best customers to review this list and tell you what they prefer — your way or one of the alternatives — and ask them why. Keep a tally. You may find that all your customers vote in favor of doing something differently than the way you do it now.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Create a customer profile</h2>\r\nCollect or take photographs of people (from Facebook or email thumbnails, and with the individuals’ permission) who you characterize as your typical customers. Post these pictures on a bulletin board — either a real one or a virtual one like Pinterest (set this board to private because it’s definitely not for sharing beyond your marketing team) — and add any facts or information you can collect about these people.\r\n\r\nConsider this board your customer database. Whenever you aren’t sure what to do about any marketing decision, sit down in front of your bulletin board and use it to help you tune in to your customers and what they do and don’t like.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Entertain customers to get their input</h2>\r\nEntertaining your customers puts you in contact with them in a relaxed setting where they’re happy to share their views. Hold a customer appreciation event or invite good customers to a lunch or dinner. Use such occasions to ask for suggestions and reactions.\r\n\r\nBounce a new product idea off these good customers, or find out what features they’d most like to see improved. Your customers can provide an expert panel for your informal research — you just have to provide the food! After they get to know you, they may be happy to give you ongoing quick feedback via a chat room, Twitter, or a group text message, especially if they use these media routinely themselves.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Use email to do one-question surveys</h2>\r\nIf you market to businesses, you probably have email addresses for many of your customers. Try emailing 20 or more of them for a quick opinion on a question. The result? Instant survey!\r\n\r\nIf a clear majority of respondents say they prefer using a corporate credit card to being invoiced because the card is more convenient, well, you’ve just gotten a useful research result that may help you revise your marketing approach.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">Always ask people for their email addresses whenever you interact with them, through your website or in person, so as to build a large email list.</p>\r\nEmailing your question to actual customers or users of your product is far better, by the way, than trying to poll users of social networking websites for their opinions. Sure, you may be able to get a bunch of responses from people on Twitter, but would those responses be representative of your actual customers? Probably not.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >Research government databases</h2>\r\nMany countries gather and post extensive data on individuals, households, and businesses, broken down into a variety of categories. In the United States, you can find out how many people earn above a certain annual income and live in a specific city or state — useful if you’re trying to figure out how big the regional market may be for a luxury product.\r\n\r\nSimilarly, you can find out how many businesses operate in your industry and what their sales are in a specific city or state — useful if you’re trying to decide whether that city has a market big enough to warrant you moving into it.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you want to use the web to explore useful data compiled and posted by various agencies of the US government, visit the <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">United States Census Bureau website</a> and check out the data on households and businesses. This site is your portal to US data from the economic census (which goes out to 5 million businesses every five years) and the Survey of Business Owners.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >Establish a trend report</h2>\r\nSet up a <i>trend report,</i> a document that gives you a quick indication of a change in buying patterns, a new competitive move or threat, and any other changes that your marketing may need to respond to.\r\n\r\nYou can compile one by emailing salespeople, distributors, customer service staff, repair staff, or friendly customers once a month, asking them for a quick list of any important trends they see in the market. (You flatter people by letting them know that you value their opinions, and email makes giving those opinions especially easy.)\r\n\r\nPrint and file these reports from the field and go back over them every now and then for a long-term view of the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you don’t work for one of the handful of largest and best-funded companies in your industry, then your trend analysis should also include careful tracking of what those giants are doing because they may be setting marketing or product trends that affect the rest of their industry. Tracking media coverage is easy on Google or other search engines.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >Analyze competitors’ collateral</h2>\r\nPrint out or clip and collect marketing materials (brochures, ads, web pages, and so on) from competitors and analyze them by using a <i>claims table.</i> Open up a spreadsheet (or draw a blank table on a piece of paper or poster board) and label the columns of this new table, one for each competitor.\r\n\r\nLabel each row with a feature, benefit, or claim. Add key phrases or words from an ad in the appropriate cell. Include one to three of the most prominent or emphasized claims per competitor. When filled in, this claims table shows you, at a glance, what territory each competitor stakes out and how it does the staking. One may claim it’s the most efficient, another the most helpful, and so on.\r\n\r\nCompare your own claims with those of your competitors. Are you impressive by comparison, or does a more dominant and impressive competitor’s claims overshadow you? Do your claims stand out as unique, or are you lacking clear points of difference?\r\n<h2 id=\"tab8\" >Research your strengths</h2>\r\nPerhaps the most important element of any marketing plan or strategy is clearly recognizing what makes you especially good and appealing to customers. To research your strengths, find the simplest way to ask ten good customers this simple but powerful question: “What’s the best thing about our (fill in the name of your product or service), from your perspective?”\r\n\r\nThe answers to this question usually focus on one or, at most, a few features or aspects of your business. Finding out how your customers identify your strengths is a boon to your marketing strategy.\r\n<p class=\"Remember\">Investing in your strengths (versus your competitors’ strengths or your weaknesses) tends to grow your sales and profits more quickly and efficiently.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab9\" >Probe your customer records</h2>\r\nMost marketers fail to mine their own databases for all of the useful information those databases may contain. Study your customers with the goal of identifying three common traits that make them different or special. This goal helps you focus on what your ideal customer looks like so you can look for more of them.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab10\" >Test your marketing materials</h2>\r\nWhether you’re looking at a letter, catalog, web page, tear sheet, press release, or ad, you can improve the piece’s effectiveness by asking for reviews from a few customers, distributors, or others with knowledge of your business.\r\n\r\nDo they get the key message quickly and clearly? Do they think the piece is interesting and appealing? If they’re only lukewarm about it, then you know you need to edit or improve it before spending the money to publish and distribute it.\r\n\r\nCustomer reviewers can tell you quickly whether you have real attention-getting wow-power in any marketing piece. Just ask a half dozen people to review a new marketing piece while it’s still in draft form.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab11\" >Interview defectors</h2>\r\nYour company’s records of past customers are an absolute gold mine of information that can be easily overlooked. Use these records to figure out what types of customers defect, when, and why.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you can’t pinpoint why a customer abandoned you (from a complaint or a note from the salesperson, for example), try to contact the lost customer and ask him directly.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab12\" >Ask kids about trends</h2>\r\nIn consumer marketing, it’s best if customers think you’re cool and your competitors aren’t. Because kids lead the trends in modern society, why not ask them what those trends are? Ask them simple questions like, “What will the next big thing be in (name your product or service here)?”\r\n\r\nOr try asking kids this great question: “What’s cool and what’s not cool this year?” Why? Because they know, and you don’t. For example, if teenage girls know what the next cool color combo will be, the way to find out is simple: Ask them what colors they want their room to be. (Or visit social media sites that skew toward younger members and see how they’re decorating their pages.)\r\n<h2 id=\"tab13\" >Create custom web analytics</h2>\r\nWeb analytics are readily available for your websites and blogs, but they’re mostly traffic counts of various kinds. You probably want to know about sales, not just visitors. What are the most meaningful indicators of success on the web?\r\n\r\nJust as you (hopefully) do off-line, track online sales, repeat sales, lead collection, quality of leads (measured by rate of conversion), sign-ups, use of offers (such as you may post on a business site on Facebook, for example), and overall revenue and returns from e-marketing. These numbers tell the story of your marketing successes and failures online and give you something to learn from as you go.","description":"Here are some things you can begin to do for a new marketing campaign for your small business. Before you hire professionals, see what you can do yourself.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Compare your approach to that of your competitors</h2>\r\nWhen you compare your marketing approach to competitors, you easily find out what customers like best. Make a list of the things that your competitors do differently than you. Does one of them price higher? Does another give away free samples? Do some of them offer money-back guarantees?\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">Make a list of at least five points of difference between your business and its major competitors based on an analysis of marketing practices. Now ask ten of your best customers to review this list and tell you what they prefer — your way or one of the alternatives — and ask them why. Keep a tally. You may find that all your customers vote in favor of doing something differently than the way you do it now.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Create a customer profile</h2>\r\nCollect or take photographs of people (from Facebook or email thumbnails, and with the individuals’ permission) who you characterize as your typical customers. Post these pictures on a bulletin board — either a real one or a virtual one like Pinterest (set this board to private because it’s definitely not for sharing beyond your marketing team) — and add any facts or information you can collect about these people.\r\n\r\nConsider this board your customer database. Whenever you aren’t sure what to do about any marketing decision, sit down in front of your bulletin board and use it to help you tune in to your customers and what they do and don’t like.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Entertain customers to get their input</h2>\r\nEntertaining your customers puts you in contact with them in a relaxed setting where they’re happy to share their views. Hold a customer appreciation event or invite good customers to a lunch or dinner. Use such occasions to ask for suggestions and reactions.\r\n\r\nBounce a new product idea off these good customers, or find out what features they’d most like to see improved. Your customers can provide an expert panel for your informal research — you just have to provide the food! After they get to know you, they may be happy to give you ongoing quick feedback via a chat room, Twitter, or a group text message, especially if they use these media routinely themselves.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Use email to do one-question surveys</h2>\r\nIf you market to businesses, you probably have email addresses for many of your customers. Try emailing 20 or more of them for a quick opinion on a question. The result? Instant survey!\r\n\r\nIf a clear majority of respondents say they prefer using a corporate credit card to being invoiced because the card is more convenient, well, you’ve just gotten a useful research result that may help you revise your marketing approach.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">Always ask people for their email addresses whenever you interact with them, through your website or in person, so as to build a large email list.</p>\r\nEmailing your question to actual customers or users of your product is far better, by the way, than trying to poll users of social networking websites for their opinions. Sure, you may be able to get a bunch of responses from people on Twitter, but would those responses be representative of your actual customers? Probably not.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >Research government databases</h2>\r\nMany countries gather and post extensive data on individuals, households, and businesses, broken down into a variety of categories. In the United States, you can find out how many people earn above a certain annual income and live in a specific city or state — useful if you’re trying to figure out how big the regional market may be for a luxury product.\r\n\r\nSimilarly, you can find out how many businesses operate in your industry and what their sales are in a specific city or state — useful if you’re trying to decide whether that city has a market big enough to warrant you moving into it.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you want to use the web to explore useful data compiled and posted by various agencies of the US government, visit the <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">United States Census Bureau website</a> and check out the data on households and businesses. This site is your portal to US data from the economic census (which goes out to 5 million businesses every five years) and the Survey of Business Owners.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >Establish a trend report</h2>\r\nSet up a <i>trend report,</i> a document that gives you a quick indication of a change in buying patterns, a new competitive move or threat, and any other changes that your marketing may need to respond to.\r\n\r\nYou can compile one by emailing salespeople, distributors, customer service staff, repair staff, or friendly customers once a month, asking them for a quick list of any important trends they see in the market. (You flatter people by letting them know that you value their opinions, and email makes giving those opinions especially easy.)\r\n\r\nPrint and file these reports from the field and go back over them every now and then for a long-term view of the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you don’t work for one of the handful of largest and best-funded companies in your industry, then your trend analysis should also include careful tracking of what those giants are doing because they may be setting marketing or product trends that affect the rest of their industry. Tracking media coverage is easy on Google or other search engines.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >Analyze competitors’ collateral</h2>\r\nPrint out or clip and collect marketing materials (brochures, ads, web pages, and so on) from competitors and analyze them by using a <i>claims table.</i> Open up a spreadsheet (or draw a blank table on a piece of paper or poster board) and label the columns of this new table, one for each competitor.\r\n\r\nLabel each row with a feature, benefit, or claim. Add key phrases or words from an ad in the appropriate cell. Include one to three of the most prominent or emphasized claims per competitor. When filled in, this claims table shows you, at a glance, what territory each competitor stakes out and how it does the staking. One may claim it’s the most efficient, another the most helpful, and so on.\r\n\r\nCompare your own claims with those of your competitors. Are you impressive by comparison, or does a more dominant and impressive competitor’s claims overshadow you? Do your claims stand out as unique, or are you lacking clear points of difference?\r\n<h2 id=\"tab8\" >Research your strengths</h2>\r\nPerhaps the most important element of any marketing plan or strategy is clearly recognizing what makes you especially good and appealing to customers. To research your strengths, find the simplest way to ask ten good customers this simple but powerful question: “What’s the best thing about our (fill in the name of your product or service), from your perspective?”\r\n\r\nThe answers to this question usually focus on one or, at most, a few features or aspects of your business. Finding out how your customers identify your strengths is a boon to your marketing strategy.\r\n<p class=\"Remember\">Investing in your strengths (versus your competitors’ strengths or your weaknesses) tends to grow your sales and profits more quickly and efficiently.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab9\" >Probe your customer records</h2>\r\nMost marketers fail to mine their own databases for all of the useful information those databases may contain. Study your customers with the goal of identifying three common traits that make them different or special. This goal helps you focus on what your ideal customer looks like so you can look for more of them.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab10\" >Test your marketing materials</h2>\r\nWhether you’re looking at a letter, catalog, web page, tear sheet, press release, or ad, you can improve the piece’s effectiveness by asking for reviews from a few customers, distributors, or others with knowledge of your business.\r\n\r\nDo they get the key message quickly and clearly? Do they think the piece is interesting and appealing? If they’re only lukewarm about it, then you know you need to edit or improve it before spending the money to publish and distribute it.\r\n\r\nCustomer reviewers can tell you quickly whether you have real attention-getting wow-power in any marketing piece. Just ask a half dozen people to review a new marketing piece while it’s still in draft form.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab11\" >Interview defectors</h2>\r\nYour company’s records of past customers are an absolute gold mine of information that can be easily overlooked. Use these records to figure out what types of customers defect, when, and why.\r\n<p class=\"Tip\">If you can’t pinpoint why a customer abandoned you (from a complaint or a note from the salesperson, for example), try to contact the lost customer and ask him directly.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab12\" >Ask kids about trends</h2>\r\nIn consumer marketing, it’s best if customers think you’re cool and your competitors aren’t. Because kids lead the trends in modern society, why not ask them what those trends are? Ask them simple questions like, “What will the next big thing be in (name your product or service here)?”\r\n\r\nOr try asking kids this great question: “What’s cool and what’s not cool this year?” Why? Because they know, and you don’t. For example, if teenage girls know what the next cool color combo will be, the way to find out is simple: Ask them what colors they want their room to be. (Or visit social media sites that skew toward younger members and see how they’re decorating their pages.)\r\n<h2 id=\"tab13\" >Create custom web analytics</h2>\r\nWeb analytics are readily available for your websites and blogs, but they’re mostly traffic counts of various kinds. You probably want to know about sales, not just visitors. What are the most meaningful indicators of success on the web?\r\n\r\nJust as you (hopefully) do off-line, track online sales, repeat sales, lead collection, quality of leads (measured by rate of conversion), sign-ups, use of offers (such as you may post on a business site on Facebook, for example), and overall revenue and returns from e-marketing. These numbers tell the story of your marketing successes and failures online and give you something to learn from as you go.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9430,"name":"Alexander Hiam","slug":"alexander-hiam","description":" <p><b>Alexander Hiam</b> has authored more than 20 popular books on business and served as a professor at the business school at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His clients include many of the Fortune 500 firms and larger governmental agencies in the U.S. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34243,"title":"Marketing","slug":"marketing","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[{"label":"Compare your approach to that of your competitors","target":"#tab1"},{"label":"Create a customer profile","target":"#tab2"},{"label":"Entertain customers to get their input","target":"#tab3"},{"label":"Use email to do one-question surveys","target":"#tab4"},{"label":"Research government databases","target":"#tab5"},{"label":"Establish a trend report","target":"#tab6"},{"label":"Analyze competitors’ collateral","target":"#tab7"},{"label":"Research your strengths","target":"#tab8"},{"label":"Probe your customer records","target":"#tab9"},{"label":"Test your marketing materials","target":"#tab10"},{"label":"Interview defectors","target":"#tab11"},{"label":"Ask kids about trends","target":"#tab12"},{"label":"Create custom web analytics","target":"#tab13"}],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[{"articleId":244880,"title":"How To Avoid These 10 Common Marketing Mistakes","slug":"10-common-marketing-mistakes-avoid","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":244877,"title":"How To Organize a Product Sales Team","slug":"organizing-sales-team-marketing-products","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":244874,"title":"How to Market Products with Consultative Selling","slug":"market-products-consultative-selling","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":244871,"title":"Developing Merchandising Strategies to Market Your Products","slug":"developing-merchandising-strategies-market-products","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":244868,"title":"The Pros and Cons of Marketing on E-commerce Channels","slug":"pros-cons-marketing-products-e-commerce-channels","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":300514,"title":"Dummies Custom Solutions: Your Smartest Content Marketing Choice","slug":"dummies-custom-solutions-is-your-smartest-content-marketing-choice","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":299508,"title":"Content Marketing Solutions for Sustainable Technology Companies","slug":"content-marketing-solutions-for-sustainable-technology-companies","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":299468,"title":"Content Marketing for Humanoid Robotics Companies","slug":"content-marketing-for-humanoid-robotics-companies","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":299453,"title":"Content Marketing for Green Technology Companies","slug":"content-marketing-for-green-technology-companies","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":299440,"title":"Content Marketing for CRISPR/Cas9 Biotech Companies","slug":"content-marketing-for-crispr-cas9-biotech-companies","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":282379,"slug":"marketing-for-dummies-5th-edition","isbn":"9781119894872","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","marketing"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":"//","width":203,"height":255},"title":"Marketing For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":true,"authorsInfo":"<p><p><b><b data-author-id=\"11175\">Jeanette McMurtry</b>, MBA,</b> is a global authority, columnist, and keynote speaker on consumer behavior and psychology&#45;based marketing strategies. Her clients have included consumer and B2B enterprises ranging from small start&#45;ups to Fortune 100 brands. A marketing thought leader, she has contributed to Forbes, CNBC, <i>Data &#38; Marketing Association, DM News,</i> and <i>Target Marketing</i> magazine. <p><b>Jeanette McMurtry, MBA,</b> is a global authority, columnist, and keynote speaker on consumer behavior and psychology&#45;based marketing strategies. Her clients have included consumer and B2B enterprises ranging from small start&#45;ups to Fortune 100 brands. A marketing thought leader, she has contributed to Forbes, CNBC, <i>Data &#38; Marketing Association, DM News,</i> and <i>Target Marketing</i> magazine.</p>","authors":[{"authorId":11175,"name":"Jeanette McMurtry","slug":"jeanette-mcmurtry","description":" <p><b>Jeanette McMurtry, MBA,</b> is a global authority, columnist, and keynote speaker on consumer behavior and psychology&#45;based marketing strategies. Her clients have included consumer and B2B enterprises ranging from small start&#45;ups to Fortune 100 brands. A marketing thought leader, she has contributed to Forbes, CNBC, <i>Data &#38; Marketing Association, DM News,</i> and <i>Target Marketing</i> magazine. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":35192,"name":"Jeanette Maw McMurtry","slug":"jeanette-maw-mcmurtry","description":" <p><b>Jeanette McMurtry, MBA,</b> is a global authority, columnist, and keynote speaker on consumer behavior and psychology&#45;based marketing strategies. Her clients have included consumer and B2B enterprises ranging from small start&#45;ups to Fortune 100 brands. A marketing thought leader, she has contributed to Forbes, CNBC, <i>Data &#38; Marketing Association, DM News,</i> and <i>Target Marketing</i> magazine. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"_links":{"self":"//"}},"collections":[{"title":"BYOB (Be Your Own Boss)","slug":"for-the-entry-level-entrepreneur","collectionId":287568}],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;marketing&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781119894872&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65e9d6b5bfef1\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;marketing&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781119894872&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65e9d6b5c1eec\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Articles","articleList":null,"content":null,"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Advance","lifeExpectancy":"Two years","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2022-08-30T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":152890},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2019-08-16T17:50:29+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-03-06T15:57:46+00:00","timestamp":"2025-03-06T18:01:12+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Careers","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"careers","categoryId":34256},{"name":"General Careers","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"general-careers","categoryId":34272}],"title":"A Streamlined (But Good) Way to Choose a Career","strippedTitle":"a streamlined (but good) way to choose a career","slug":"a-streamlined-but-good-way-to-choose-a-career","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"This article offers a quick summary of several methods for researching and considering a variety of career choices.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"In finding a career, many people take career “tests,” struggle to get informational interviews, and even take career workshops. And despite all that, they end up far from sure they’ve made a wise choice of career. These steps can help you pick a career wisely:\r\n<ol>\r\n \t<li><strong>What career type are you?</strong>\r\nWhich one or two of these are you: a word person, people person, Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) person, hands-on person, or entrepreneurial?</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Scan the options.</strong>\r\nMost people consider only a small fraction of worthy careers. A fast way to broaden your options is to scan books that profile lots of careers. <a href=\"/book/business-careers-money/careers/general-careers/careers-for-dummies-282058/\"><em>Careers for Dummies</em></a> provides a <em>scoop</em> on 340 good careers plus self-employment ideas. Also, the federal government publishes the <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><em>Occupational Outlook Handbook</em></a>, which offers more detailed (if drier) introductions to 250 careers.</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Embrace Google Search.</strong>\r\nBecause Google Search is free, it’s easy to underestimate its potency. But it’s a remarkable curator of incomprehensibly large amounts of information. So do use Google Search to find articles and video introductions to careers that pique your interest. Particularly look for those that focus on a day in the life. These articles and videos are often more valid than an informational interview or three because each article or video may distill the experiences of multiple people in the field.</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Use a pros-and-cons list with a twist.</strong>\r\nMake pros- and-cons lists of two or three careers you’re now considering. Pick the one that feels best. How are you feeling about that? Now imagine that you picked the other career. Feeling better or worse?</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Now pick.</strong>\r\nEven if your top-choice career doesn’t feel perfect, it’s usually wiser to start preparing for that career. Most people who end up happy in their career feel that way after only they’ve become competent at it and have tailored and accessorized it to fit their preferences and strengths. If you wait on the sidelines for the perfect career to hit you upside your head, you may be waiting a long time. It’s wiser to pick a career sooner than later and then tweak as you go.</li>\r\n</ol>\r\nOf course, the devil is the details. <a href=\"/book/business-careers-money/careers/general-careers/careers-for-dummies-282058/\"><em>Careers for Dummies</em></a> gives you all the details you need to wisely choose your career.","description":"In finding a career, many people take career “tests,” struggle to get informational interviews, and even take career workshops. And despite all that, they end up far from sure they’ve made a wise choice of career. These steps can help you pick a career wisely:\r\n<ol>\r\n \t<li><strong>What career type are you?</strong>\r\nWhich one or two of these are you: a word person, people person, Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) person, hands-on person, or entrepreneurial?</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Scan the options.</strong>\r\nMost people consider only a small fraction of worthy careers. A fast way to broaden your options is to scan books that profile lots of careers. <a href=\"/book/business-careers-money/careers/general-careers/careers-for-dummies-282058/\"><em>Careers for Dummies</em></a> provides a <em>scoop</em> on 340 good careers plus self-employment ideas. Also, the federal government publishes the <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><em>Occupational Outlook Handbook</em></a>, which offers more detailed (if drier) introductions to 250 careers.</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Embrace Google Search.</strong>\r\nBecause Google Search is free, it’s easy to underestimate its potency. But it’s a remarkable curator of incomprehensibly large amounts of information. So do use Google Search to find articles and video introductions to careers that pique your interest. Particularly look for those that focus on a day in the life. These articles and videos are often more valid than an informational interview or three because each article or video may distill the experiences of multiple people in the field.</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Use a pros-and-cons list with a twist.</strong>\r\nMake pros- and-cons lists of two or three careers you’re now considering. Pick the one that feels best. How are you feeling about that? Now imagine that you picked the other career. Feeling better or worse?</li>\r\n \t<li><strong>Now pick.</strong>\r\nEven if your top-choice career doesn’t feel perfect, it’s usually wiser to start preparing for that career. Most people who end up happy in their career feel that way after only they’ve become competent at it and have tailored and accessorized it to fit their preferences and strengths. If you wait on the sidelines for the perfect career to hit you upside your head, you may be waiting a long time. It’s wiser to pick a career sooner than later and then tweak as you go.</li>\r\n</ol>\r\nOf course, the devil is the details. <a href=\"/book/business-careers-money/careers/general-careers/careers-for-dummies-282058/\"><em>Careers for Dummies</em></a> gives you all the details you need to wisely choose your career.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":10187,"name":"Marty Nemko","slug":"marty-nemko","description":" <p><b>Marty Nemko, PhD,</b> has been career coach to 5,400 clients, enjoys a 96&#37; client&#45;satisfaction rate, and was named &#34;The Bay Area&#39;s Best Career Coach&#34; by the</b> <i>San Francisco Bay Guardian</i>. He has been interviewed in hundreds of major publications from the</b> <i>New York Times</i> to the<i>Los Angeles Times</i>, and has appeared on<i>The Today Show</i> and<i>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</i>. He hosts<i>Work with Marty Nemko</i> on a National Public Radio station in San Francisco. His first job&#63; Piano player in a Bronx bar at age 13. His second&#63; Taxi driver. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34272,"title":"General Careers","slug":"general-careers","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[{"articleId":255814,"title":"How to Unearth Your Work Life’s Core Principles","slug":"how-to-unearth-your-work-lifes-core-principles","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":255808,"title":"10 Ultrafast Ways to Land a Job","slug":"10-ultrafast-ways-to-land-a-job","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":255086,"title":"Careers For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"careers-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":255083,"title":"Becoming a Beloved Employee","slug":"becoming-a-beloved-employee","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":255080,"title":"Getting Plucked: A New Way to Land a Good Job","slug":"getting-plucked-a-new-way-to-land-a-good-job","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":301511,"title":"Finding Your Passion For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"finding-your-passion-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":300819,"title":"Taking a Career Break For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"taking-a-career-break-for-dummies","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":298667,"title":"Lifeguarding For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"lifeguarding-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":273721,"title":"How to Manage Virtual Teams","slug":"how-to-manage-virtual-teams","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":273709,"title":"How to Create a New Zoom Account","slug":"how-to-create-a-new-zoom-account","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":282058,"slug":"careers-for-dummies","isbn":"9781119482338","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","general-careers"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":"//","width":203,"height":255},"title":"Careers For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":false,"authorsInfo":"<p><b data-author-id=\"10187\">Marty Nemko, PhD,</b> has been career coach to 5,400 clients, enjoys a 96% client-satisfaction rate, and was named \"The Bay Area's Best Career Coach\" by the <i>San Francisco Bay Guardian</i>. He has been interviewed in hundreds of major publications from the <i>New York Times</i> to the<i>Los Angeles Times</i>, and has appeared on<i>The Today Show</i> and<i>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</i>. He hosts<i>Work with Marty Nemko</i> on a National Public Radio station in San Francisco. His first job? Piano player in a Bronx bar at age 13. His second? Taxi driver. </p>","authors":[{"authorId":10187,"name":"Marty Nemko","slug":"marty-nemko","description":" <p><b>Marty Nemko, PhD,</b> has been career coach to 5,400 clients, enjoys a 96&#37; client&#45;satisfaction rate, and was named &#34;The Bay Area&#39;s Best Career Coach&#34; by the</b> <i>San Francisco Bay Guardian</i>. He has been interviewed in hundreds of major publications from the</b> <i>New York Times</i> to the<i>Los Angeles Times</i>, and has appeared on<i>The Today Show</i> and<i>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</i>. He hosts<i>Work with Marty Nemko</i> on a National Public Radio station in San Francisco. His first job&#63; Piano player in a Bronx bar at age 13. His second&#63; Taxi driver. 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The following demystifies and explains some of the complexities and models. You can refer regularly to this information to help you in your quant adventures.","description":"No matter if you're a quantitative finance novice or an expert, this Cheat Sheet can make sense of some equations and terms that you'll use on a regular basis. The following demystifies and explains some of the complexities and models. You can refer regularly to this information to help you in your quant adventures.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":10964,"name":"Steve Bell","slug":"steve-bell","description":" <p><b>Steve Bell </b>is a Quantitative Investment Researcher and Director at Research In Action. A highly experienced mathematical and statistical modeller, he is knowledgeable in energy markets and has a particular interest in systematic quantitative trading strategy development at any frequency.</p> ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34230,"title":"General Accounting","slug":"general-accounting","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":277438,"title":"Financial Accounting: The Effect of Business Transactions","slug":"financial-accounting-the-effect-of-business-transactions","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","accounting","general-accounting"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277429,"title":"What Are Accounting Journals?","slug":"what-are-accounting-journals","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","accounting","general-accounting"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277423,"title":"How to Read Corporate Annual Reports","slug":"how-to-read-corporate-annual-reports","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","accounting","general-accounting"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277418,"title":"Showing the Money: The Statement of Cash Flows","slug":"showing-the-money-the-statement-of-cash-flows","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","accounting","general-accounting"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277410,"title":"10 Accounting Career Opportunities","slug":"10-accounting-career-opportunities","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","accounting","general-accounting"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":0,"slug":null,"isbn":null,"categoryList":null,"amazon":null,"image":null,"title":null,"testBankPinActivationLink":null,"bookOutOfPrint":false,"authorsInfo":null,"authors":null,"_links":null},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;accounting&quot;,&quot;general-accounting&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[null]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65dcfc1577748\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;accounting&quot;,&quot;general-accounting&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[null]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65dcfc1578300\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Cheat Sheet","articleList":[{"articleId":226703,"title":"Essential Maths for Quantitative Finance","slug":"essential-maths-quantitative-finance","categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":226721,"title":"Formulae for Futures and Option Payouts","slug":"formulae-futures-option-payouts","categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":226724,"title":"Calculating Option Prices Using Black-Scholes Formulae","slug":"calculating-option-prices-using-black-scholes-formulae","categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"content":[{"title":"Essential Maths for Quantitative Finance","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Quantitative finance uses lots of formulae. The following are the most important ones. Whether you&#8217;re studying for an exam, coding them up, or just curious about the strange things that quants do, these formulae should help:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Pi = 3.145927: This first one isn&#8217;t a formula, but you use the famous maths constant pi not because you need to work out the area of a circle but because it&#8217;s used in the formula for the normal distribution.</li>\n<li>e = 2.718282: Exponentials occur all the time in quantitative finance because of the present value of money formula and the normal distribution. &#8216;e&#8217; is the base of the natural logarithm, ln.</li>\n<li>ln(<em>ab</em>) = ln(<em>a</em>) + ln(<em>b</em>): Use this formula when taking the logarithm of the likelihood in applying the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of your model.</li>\n<li>If <em>y</em> = <em>e<sup>x</sup></em>, then: <em>x</em> = ln <em>y</em>. Use this formula for calculations with continuously compounded interest rates.</li>\n<li>If <em>y</em> = <em>e<sup>x</sup></em>, then:</li>\n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"aligncenter wp-image-226704 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0104\" width=\"48\" height=\"32\" /></a></p>\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\">The derivative of the exponential function is the same exponential function. You use this when you&#8217;re solving the Black-Scholes equation.</p>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"aligncenter wp-image-226705 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0105\" width=\"86\" height=\"37\" /></a></p>\n"},{"title":"Formulae for Futures and Option Payouts","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>How much will jam be worth tomorrow? In quantitative finance, you often want to explore the relationship between an amount of money promised in the future and the value of that money today. These formulae can help:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>In working out today&#8217;s value of option payoffs, use the present value, <em>P,</em> for a payoff, <em>C, </em>in the future. You can use exactly the same formula to work out the present value for the coupon <em>C</em> of a bond to be paid at time <em>T.</em> The continuously compounded interest rate is r and the time in the future in years is <em>T:</em></li>\n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"aligncenter wp-image-226713 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0301\" width=\"57\" height=\"14\" /></a></p>\n<ul>\n<li>To calculate the price of a European put from the price of a European call or vice versa, calculate put call parity for European options with strike price <em>K.</em> The current stock price is <em>S,</em> call price <em>C, </em>put price <em>P, </em>the time to expiry <em>T</em> and  the continuously compounded interest rate is <em>r:</em></li>\n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"aligncenter wp-image-226714 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0302\" width=\"109\" height=\"14\" /></a></p>\n"},{"title":"Calculating Option Prices Using Black-Scholes Formulae","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>The Black Scholes equation, perhaps the most famous in quantitative finance, expresses how the price of an option depends upon the price of the underlying asset and its volatility. The interest rate also gets a look-in.  The equation is complicated, but thankfully, mathematicians have solved it for some useful cases such as for European options.</p>\n<p>Use the cumulative normal distribution to express the solution to the Black-Scholes equation for the price of options:</p>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-226715 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0401\" width=\"137\" height=\"37\" /></a></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Black-Scholes solution for the price, <em>C,</em> of a European call option on a non-dividend-paying stock is given by the following formula. The volatility is a lower-case sigma, the risk-free interest rate is <em>r,</em> the expiry time is <em>T, </em>the current time is <em>t</em>, and the underlying stock price is <em>S.</em> The strike price is <em>K.</em> The formula is complicated: using the variables <em>d</em><sub>1</sub> and <em>d</em><sub>2 </sub>makes the final formula easier to digest.</p>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-226716 size-full\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0402\" width=\"205\" height=\"50\" /></a></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-226717\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0403\" width=\"117\" height=\"20\" /></a></p>\n<p>Use the Black-Scholes solution for the price, <em>P,</em> of a European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock. The parameter names are the same as for a call option in the preceding formula:</p>\n<p><a href=\"//\"><img loading=\"lazy\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-226718\" src=\"//\" alt=\"eqcs0404\" width=\"188\" height=\"17\" /></a></p>\n"}],"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Solve","lifeExpectancy":"Six months","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2025-02-26T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":226727},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2017-03-27T16:48:29+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-02-22T22:06:22+00:00","timestamp":"2025-02-23T00:01:12+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Personal Finance","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"personal-finance","categoryId":34273},{"name":"Investing","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"investing","categoryId":34288},{"name":"Investment Vehicles","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"investment-vehicles","categoryId":34290},{"name":"Stocks","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"stocks","categoryId":34298}],"title":"Day Trading For Dummies Cheat Sheet","strippedTitle":"day trading for dummies cheat sheet","slug":"day-trading-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Get started on your day trading journey with this handy guide covering everything from setting up your business to tracking the markets.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"If you want to get started in day trading, doing some preparation before you dive in dramatically increases your odds of success. From setting up your trading business (and it is a business) and learning trading jargon to tracking the markets with technical indicators and calculating your performance, these articles get you on your way.","description":"If you want to get started in day trading, doing some preparation before you dive in dramatically increases your odds of success. From setting up your trading business (and it is a business) and learning trading jargon to tracking the markets with technical indicators and calculating your performance, these articles get you on your way.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9152,"name":"Ann C. Logue","slug":"ann-c-logue","description":" <b>Ann C. Logue</b> is a freelance writer and consulting analyst. She has written for <i>Barron&#8217;s,</i> the <i>New York Times, Newsweek Japan, Compliance Week,</i> and the <i>International Monetary Fund.</i> She&#8217;s a lecturer at the Liautaud Graduate School of Business at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her current career follows 12 years of experience as an investment analyst. She has a BA from Northwestern University, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and she holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34298,"title":"Stocks","slug":"stocks","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[{"articleId":263259,"title":"How Day Trading Differs from Investing and Gambling","slug":"how-day-trading-differs-from-investing-and-gambling","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":263254,"title":"10 Good Reasons to Day Trade","slug":"10-good-reasons-to-day-trade","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":263251,"title":"11 Good Reasons to Avoid Day Trading","slug":"11-good-reasons-to-avoid-day-trading","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":263247,"title":"10 Tested Money-Management Techniques","slug":"10-tested-money-management-techniques","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":200917,"title":"Taxing Your Income from Day Trading","slug":"taxing-your-income-from-day-trading","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","day-trading"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":300319,"title":"Investing in Stocks for Income & Cash Flow","slug":"investing-in-stocks-for-income-cash-flow","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":300279,"title":"Stock Investing for Beginners","slug":"stock-investing-for-beginners","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":283116,"title":"10 Reasons Not to Invest in Marijuana Stocks","slug":"10-reasons-not-to-invest-in-marijuana-stocks","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":283111,"title":"11 Criteria for Choosing a Cannabis Investment","slug":"11-criteria-for-choosing-a-cannabis-investment","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":283105,"title":"Cannabis Investments: Risks Inherent in Momentum Investing","slug":"cannabis-investments-risks-inherent-in-momentum-investing","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":282138,"slug":"day-trading-for-dummies-4th-edition","isbn":"9781394227563","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","stocks"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":"//","width":203,"height":255},"title":"Day Trading For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":true,"authorsInfo":"<p><b><b data-author-id=\"9152\">Ann C. Logue</b></b> is a freelance writer and consulting analyst. She has written for <i>Barron&#8217;s,</i> the <i>New York Times, Newsweek Japan, Compliance Week,</i> and the <i>International Monetary Fund.</i> She&#8217;s a lecturer at the Liautaud Graduate School of Business at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her current career follows 12 years of experience as an investment analyst. She has a BA from Northwestern University, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and she holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.</p>","authors":[{"authorId":9152,"name":"Ann C. Logue","slug":"ann-c-logue","description":" <b>Ann C. Logue</b> is a freelance writer and consulting analyst. She has written for <i>Barron&#8217;s,</i> the <i>New York Times, Newsweek Japan, Compliance Week,</i> and the <i>International Monetary Fund.</i> She&#8217;s a lecturer at the Liautaud Graduate School of Business at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her current career follows 12 years of experience as an investment analyst. She has a BA from Northwestern University, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and she holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"_links":{"self":"//"}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;investment-vehicles&quot;,&quot;stocks&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394227563&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65d7e04910122\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;investment-vehicles&quot;,&quot;stocks&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394227563&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65d7e04910c17\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Cheat Sheet","articleList":[{"articleId":158540,"title":"Equipment for a Day Trader's Office","slug":"equipment-for-a-day-traders-office","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","day-trading"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":158541,"title":"Day-Trading Lingo to Know","slug":"day-trading-lingo-to-know","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","day-trading"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":158539,"title":"Trading with Technical Analysis Indicators","slug":"trading-with-technical-analysis-indicators","categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":158542,"title":"Calculating Your Day Trading Performance","slug":"calculating-your-day-trading-performance","categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"content":[{"title":"Equipment for a day trader's office","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>If you want to work as a day trader from a home office, the right equipment will let you act quickly when you need to trade and help you stay organized. Here&#8217;s the basic setup you&#8217;ll need:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n<li>\n<p class=\"Bullet\"><b>A laptop and a few good monitors:</b> Most personal computers sold nowadays have the processing power to handle day trading. Because you’ll be spending a lot of time in front of it, do yourself a favor and get at least one large flat-screen monitor so that you can have at least two windows open at once. Two is probably better.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>A mobile backup:</strong> Computers are fickle. No matter which brand you buy, you’re subject to different mechanical or software glitches that can shut you down. Keep your broker’s app on your phone so that you can switch over quickly if needed.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>An online brokerage account:</strong> Several brokerage firms specialize in the needs of high-volume traders. They offer online access, real-time quotes, backtesting and other analytical services, and low commission to those who make many trades.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Spreadsheet software:</b> Still haven&#8217;t figured out Microsoft Excel? It&#8217;s time. Spreadsheets will help you track performance and analyze returns. (Excel 2013 For Dummies, by Greg Harvey [Wiley] can help you figure it out.)</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>An online brokerage account: </b>Several brokerage firms specialize in the needs of high-volume traders. They offer online access, real-time quotes, backtesting and other analytical services, and low commission to those who make many trades.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Day-trading lingo to know","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Every business has its own special language, and day trading is no different. Here are a few terms you may come across:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Fibonacci series:</b> The Fibonacci series is a list of numbers, each of which is the sum of the two numbers before it. It stretches into infinity but starts like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Proportions based on the Fibonacci series show up throughout nature, and many believe that they indicate profitable trading opportunities.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Kelly criterion:</b> Want to trade with a guarantee of success? It&#8217;s mathematically possible using the Kelly criterion. In its simplest version, the percentage of your account that you trade is equal to the probability of the trade going up minus the probability of it going down. If your testing shows you that a strategy works 60 percent of the time and fails 40 percent of the time, then each time you trade with it, you would trade 20 percent of your funds: 0.60 – 0.40.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Pattern day trader:</b> Regulations define this as someone with at least $25,000 on account, who executes four or more day trades within five business days, with those trades representing more than six percent of the customer&#8217;s total trades. This is important for how the brokerage firm handles margin activity.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Wash-sale rule:</b> The wash-sale rule is a tax trap that catches many day traders. It says that if you sell a security at a loss, you can&#8217;t deduct the loss if you buy the same security 30 days before or after the sale. Day traders might buy and sell the same security several times in one day. There are ways around the wash-sale rule, but they require some planning and careful recordkeeping.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Trading with technical analysis indicators","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Using technical analysis, day traders often look for patterns in recent prices and trading volume to determine whether a security is likely to do especially well or especially poorly. Here are brief definitions of some technical indicators you&#8217;re likely to come across:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Average true range:</b> The true range is found by calculating the exponential average of the difference between the higher of today&#8217;s high and yesterday&#8217;s close and the lower of today&#8217;s low and yesterday&#8217;s close. Average these for 14 days, and you get the average true range. Usually, you sell a security trading at or above the high and buy one trading at or above the low.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Bollinger Bands:</b> A Bollinger Band is a trading limit set at two standard deviations above and below the 20-day moving average of a security. Traders look to sell near the top of the band and buy near the bottom.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Commodity Channel Index (CCI):</b> This technique is used to identify seasonal turns in agricultural commodities and other securities that have different supply and demand levels during the course of the year. When a security goes above the CCI, it&#8217;s probably time to sell.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Momentum:</b> Traders looking for momentum buy securities that are going up in price if the volume traded is also going up, and they sell securities that are going down in price if the volume traded is going down.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Relative Strength Index (RSI):</b> The Relative Strength Index is the average of the number of upward price movements in a period divided by the average of the number of downward price movements. The higher the RSI, the more interested people are in buying rather than selling.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Calculating your day trading performance","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>The goal of day trading is to make money, but when the trades are coming fast and furious, figuring out how you&#8217;re doing can be hard. Here are a couple simple ideas that let you gauge your performance as a day trader:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Batting average:</b> What&#8217;s the number of winning trades relative to the total number of trades you make? This number gives you a rough idea of how often you&#8217;re making money, although it doesn&#8217;t tell you how much money you&#8217;re making. If at least half of your trades are winners, you&#8217;re on the right track.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p class=\"first-para\"><b>Modified Dietz method:</b> This is a quick way to gauge your performance when you have been adding money to your account or taking it out. What it loses in accuracy, it makes up for in simplicity. Here&#8217;s the equation for the Modified Dietz method:</p>\n<p><img loading=\"lazy\" src=\"//\" alt=\"image0.png\" width=\"248\" height=\"40\" /></p>\n<p class=\"child-para\"><i>EOY</i> represents the end of year asset value<i> </i>and <i>BOY</i> represents the beginning of year value.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"}],"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Explore","lifeExpectancy":"Five years","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2025-02-22T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":207779},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2025-02-22T20:03:14+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-02-22T21:42:22+00:00","timestamp":"2025-02-23T00:01:12+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Personal Finance","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"personal-finance","categoryId":34273},{"name":"Investing","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"investing","categoryId":34288},{"name":"Investment Vehicles","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"investment-vehicles","categoryId":34290},{"name":"Funds","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"funds","categoryId":34296}],"title":"Mutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies Cheat Sheet","strippedTitle":"mutual fund investing for canadians for dummies cheat sheet","slug":"mutual-fund-investing-for-canadians-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Learn the do's and don'ts of mutual fund investing in Canada with our cheat sheet. Choose the right funds to grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"Mutual funds have been around for decades and despite other types of investments finding their way into investor portfolios, these securities are still king in Canada. Despite their still sky-high fees, mutual funds offer investors an easy way to buy into a diversified basket of stocks and bonds, which is really all you need for growing your wealth. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when considering these investments.","description":"Mutual funds have been around for decades and despite other types of investments finding their way into investor portfolios, these securities are still king in Canada. Despite their still sky-high fees, mutual funds offer investors an easy way to buy into a diversified basket of stocks and bonds, which is really all you need for growing your wealth. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when considering these investments.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":34416,"name":"Bryan Borzykowski","slug":"bryan-borzykowski","description":" <p><b>Bryan Borzykowski,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b>Andrew Bell</b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i> ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":34408,"name":"Andrew Bell","slug":"andrew-bell","description":" <p><b>Bryan Borzykowski,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b>Andrew Bell</b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i> ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34296,"title":"Funds","slug":"funds","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":296619,"title":"Hedge Funds For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"hedge-funds-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":209064,"title":"Mutual Funds For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"mutual-funds-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":208448,"title":"Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"exchange-traded-funds-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":199934,"title":"Introducing Basic Types of Hedge Funds","slug":"introducing-basic-types-of-hedge-funds","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":198378,"title":"Hedge Fund Fees to Expect with Your Investment","slug":"hedge-fund-fees-to-expect-with-your-investment","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":301539,"slug":"mutual-fund-investing-for-canadians-for-dummies","isbn":"9781394219766","categoryList":["business-careers-money","personal-finance","investing","investment-vehicles","funds"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":"//","width":203,"height":255},"title":"Mutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":true,"authorsInfo":"<p><p><b><b data-author-id=\"34416\">Bryan Borzykowski</b>,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b>Andrew Bell</b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i> <p><b>Bryan Borzykowski,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b><b data-author-id=\"34408\">Andrew Bell</b></b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i></p>","authors":[{"authorId":34416,"name":"Bryan Borzykowski","slug":"bryan-borzykowski","description":" <p><b>Bryan Borzykowski,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b>Andrew Bell</b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i> ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":34408,"name":"Andrew Bell","slug":"andrew-bell","description":" <p><b>Bryan Borzykowski,</b> founder and director of ALLCAPS Content, is an award-winning business journalist specialising in investing, personal finance, and small businesses. Bryan is the author of <i>ETFs For Canadians For Dummies</i> and <i>Day Trading For Canadians For Dummies</i>. <b>Andrew Bell</b> is a host on the Business News Network. He previously worked as an investment reporter and editor with <i>The Globe and Mail. </i> ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"_links":{"self":"//"}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;investment-vehicles&quot;,&quot;funds&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394219766&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65d7e0488ce1f\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;personal-finance&quot;,&quot;investing&quot;,&quot;investment-vehicles&quot;,&quot;funds&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781394219766&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65d7e0488d851\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Cheat Sheet","articleList":[{"articleId":0,"title":"","slug":null,"categoryList":[],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"content":[{"title":"Mutual Fund Basics","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Mutual funds are the investing equivalent of a shopping cart full of fruit: you’ve got your apples — both red and green — watermelon, oranges, honey dew, and maybe some papaya. You may even have a few exotic fruits from another country that somehow made their way into your local Superstore or Metro. Now, in this analogy, you really got to love fruit. If you do and then dig in, you have a pretty delicious snack. It doesn’t matter if two of those fruits are rotten — you still have enough good stuff to eat.</p>\n<p>With mutual funds, you’re not owning a variety of fruits, but rather you’re holding a bunch of different stocks and bonds — companies headquartered in Canada, the U.S., Europe, and a few places in Asia. You have businesses in the tech sector, but also in energy, financials, healthcare, and more. If a few of those companies end up giving you a bad taste in your mouth, the others should still produce tasty returns.</p>\n<p>People love mutual funds, because, on the surface, they’re super easy to understand — every fund holds a bunch of investments, usually chosen by a professional stock picker, named a <em>fund manager.</em> When the stocks in the fund do well, you do well and vice versa.</p>\n<p>Now, funds aren’t quite as simple as a basket of fruit. Many funds come with high fees that can eat into your overall returns. The way they’re sold and how the person who sells you those funds are compensated can be extremely confusing. And plenty of options sound interesting but should be nowhere near the average investor’s portfolio.</p>\n<p>At the same time, those professional managers often have trouble generating returns above standard benchmarks. That’s why index funds and exchange-traded funds – mutual fund-like securities that simply hold all the same stocks in an index, such as the S&amp;P 500 or S&amp;P/TSX Composite Index — have become so popular over the years.</p>\n<p>Mutual funds are by no means perfect, but they’re still wildly popular in Canada, and ultimately, give investors all they need to grow their wealth.</p>\n"},{"title":"Mutual Fund Investing Do’s and Don’ts","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>Do:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Invest now. </strong>You’re not going to win the lottery.</li>\n<li><strong>Buy a bond fund.</strong> Over the last decade, you did well by simply owning equity. But stocks can be volatile beasts, as we are reminded in recent years. Holding bonds as well as stocks in your portfolio provides the diversification needed to smooth out your long-term investment ride.</li>\n<li><strong>Own index funds.</strong> Even better, own exchange traded funds that mindlessly track the Canadian, U.S., and international stock markets, plus a couple of regular Canadian and global equity funds. That way, if some of your funds go into a slump, you’ll probably still have some winners.</li>\n<li><strong>Get your money into a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or tax-free savings account (TFSA) as soon as possible. </strong>And then leave it there. (Which one you choose to use depends on your savings’ objectives and how much you have to invest.)</li>\n<li><strong>Ask to see a sample account statement when buying a fund.</strong> If you can’t understand it, or if they don’t have one to show you, then shop elsewhere. If you can’t tell how much your funds are earning for you, how do you know if they’re doing their job?</li>\n<li><strong>Look for funds with low and easy-to-understand annual expenses, top-quality holdings, and a broad mix of investments.</strong></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Don’t:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Invest in a hot opportunity you heard about.</strong> If you already heard about a hot investment opportunity, it’s too late.</li>\n<li><strong>Invest in commodities you don’t understand. </strong>Pretty well everything that’s worth investing in is also easy to explain and understand. That’s why tech stocks have been such a great way to lose money in the past.</li>\n<li><strong>Buy funds purely because of a star manager.</strong> Star fund managers almost invariably go into a slump and either drop back into the pack or even become underperformers.</li>\n<li><strong>Buy complicated funds.</strong> The more bells and whistles attached to the fund, or the fancier the concept, the higher the expenses — and that reduces your return.</li>\n</ul>\n"},{"title":"Types of Mutual Funds Defined","thumb":null,"image":null,"content":"<p>There are many many (and many) different types of mutual funds. What you choose will depend on your financial goals, risk tolerance levels and more. Here are the key kinds of funds you’ll want to consider adding to your portfolio.</p>\n<p><strong>Balanced funds:</strong> These funds have a little bit of everything — but in particular, a mix of stocks and bonds in one place — for bone-lazy mutual fund customers. Just dump your money in and let someone else worry about how to invest it but beware of high costs and returns that can be hard to judge.</p>\n<p><strong>Fixed-income funds:</strong> An essential ingredient in just about anyone’s fund arsenal, these funds usually hold longer-term government and corporate bonds. You earn plenty of interest and a steady return.</p>\n<p><strong>Dividend funds:</strong> A collection of high-quality conservative shares that produce a stream of lighter taxed payments, ideal for investors who want to get regular income from their funds.</p>\n<p><strong>Equity funds: </strong>These funds give you a tiny stake — in the form of stocks and shares — in lots of companies. They’re available in a vast array of flavours, from sensible to downright silly.</p>\n<p><strong>Fund packages:</strong> Nourishing stews of funds (if a little dull) with impressive-sounding names and, often, complicated rules. Typically referred to as wraps or managed portfolios, they are a useful solution if you want to just buy a grab-bag of investments and forget about them. But, as ever, watch out for those sneaky annual fees.</p>\n<p><strong>Index and exchange-traded funds:</strong> The elegant kings and queens of funds — and something that every investor should own. These beauties simply give you a return that’s in line with the entire stock and bond market by holding just about every share and bond that matters. No muss, no fuss, and nice low annual expenses for you, especially when it comes to ETFs. They’ll never top any performance leagues, but they won’t crash and burn in a plume of black acrid oily smoke, either. (Well, unless the entire market goes bust.)</p>\n<p><strong>Money market funds: </strong>Almost as dull as that hilarious story you tell about your cute kid. Buy one of these and you’re lending money for short periods to the government or to big companies. Park your money in one and watch it grow slowly. Your savings aren’t at risk — as long as a giant meteor doesn’t land on our nation’s capital.</p>\n<p><strong>Segregated funds:</strong> Mutual funds with belt, braces, and a parachute strapped on. This gang guarantees to at least refund your investment if you hang onto the fund for years — or to pay the cash to your heirs if your die. Sounds like a great deal but watch out for high annual fees and complicated rules.</p>\n"}],"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Advance","lifeExpectancy":"Two years","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2025-02-22T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":301598},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2025-01-16T18:58:25+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-01-26T15:33:23+00:00","timestamp":"2025-01-26T18:01:12+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Data Management","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"data-management","categoryId":34244}],"title":"Five Must-Have Features of Data Observability","strippedTitle":"five must-have features of data observability","slug":"five-must-have-features-of-data-observability","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Ensure the health of your data at every stage with a comprehensive data observability solution. Learn the must-have features of a strong data observability platform.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"In this article you will learn:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#what\">What is data observability?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#why\">Why is data observability necessary for your data platform?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#features\">What are the must-have features of a strong data observability platform?</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"what\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >What is data observability?</h2>\r\nData is increasingly important to today’s businesses — and ensuring the quality and reliability of that data is critical. High-quality data is the fuel for everything from building new products to driving accurate decision making. <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Data observability</a> was created to make ensuring the quality of data easier, faster, and more scalable over the long term.\r\n\r\nData observability gives organizations a complete view of their data's health at every stage — from data pipelines to infrastructure — as well as delivering at-a-glance views of dependencies and relationships between datasets. By leveraging data observability, data teams can quickly identify and resolve data quality issues before they reach data consumers, effectively reducing costs, minimizing impact, and driving confidence in the data products it protects.\r\n<div id=\"why\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Why is data observability necessary?</h2>\r\n<em>Data downtime</em> — time when data is incomplete, erroneous, missing, or otherwise inaccurate — can be disastrous for organizations. From misallocated budgets to broken AI models, data quality issues can wreak havoc on organizations of all kinds.\r\n\r\nWhile data quality testing and monitoring are relatively common practices, data observability goes beyond the traditional methods of testing and monitoring. Data observability manages and improves data quality <em>at scale</em> by leveraging automated monitoring, custom rules, root cause analysis tools, and impact analysis to not only catch and resolve known data quality incidents faster but to detect and resolve unknown data quality issues as well.\r\n<div id=\"features\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Five must-have elements of a strong data observability platform</h2>\r\nChoosing the right <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">data observability tool</a> can help your company avoid a menagerie of serious and costly data quality incidents, so it’s important to know what features you should have on your shopping list. Below are five features you should look for when considering a data observability solution for your data stack.\r\n<ol>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>ML-powered deep and broad data monitoring — both out-of-the-box and custom monitors</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">A key aspect of an effective data observability platform is its use of machine learning (ML) for data monitoring. Platforms with ML enable teams to programmatically identify data quality and performance issues, such as data freshness, volume issues, and schema changes out-of-the-box. Data observability platforms also offer the ability to create custom monitors that are tailored to your specific business needs and applied to your most critical tables, providing deep monitoring where you need it and allowing you to tackle recurrent data issues that can crop up within specific data environments.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>End-to-end integrations across cloud and on-prem tooling</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">An effective data observability platform should work with tools both in the cloud and on-prem. This necessary integration allows for comprehensive oversight of your data platform, from ingestion and storage to transformation and consumption. This integration helps track data movement across a variety of settings, which improves the platform's ability to find and fix quality issues quickly and effectively.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Incident triaging and resolution workflows</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">To reduce the impact of data problems, it's important to have effective workflows for triaging and resolving incidents. A good data observability platform simplifies the steps to detect, triage, resolve, and measure data quality issues. This usually involves automatic alerts, tools to prioritize issues by severity and impact, and robust integrations with messaging and project management tools that complement existing workflows. Efficient prioritization means data teams can concentrate on the most urgent problems, which helps decrease delays and keeps the data accurate and reliable.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Root cause and impact analysis via field-level lineage</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">Identifying the underlying cause of a data quality issue is essential to preventing it in the future. An effective data observability platform will provide field-level lineage, which provides an at-a-glance view of where the data came from, how it was changed, and what dependencies or data products are impacted by it. This information allows data teams to quickly understand the root-cause of an issue upon detection, decide who’s responsible for resolving it, and determine who should be informed to minimize cost.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Performance monitoring — query optimization and cloud cost management</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">A key part of a strong data observability platform is performance monitoring, which includes improving query efficiency and managing cloud costs. This function helps you find and fix inefficient data queries and processes that could raise operating costs or slow down performance. By making queries more efficient and optimizing cloud resources, organizations can make their data operations more cost-effective and deliver greater value from their data platform at a significantly lower cost.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Pioneering the future of reliable data with data observability</h2>\r\nImplementing a data observability platform that includes these five elements will empower your organization to reduce data downtime, improve data reliability, deliver more value for stakeholders, and foster an environment of data trust across your organization.\r\n\r\nDownload <em><a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\">Data Observability For Dummies</a></em> to discover how data observability can help you improve your data reliability, build organizational trust, and deliver even more value from your data products.","description":"In this article you will learn:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#what\">What is data observability?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#why\">Why is data observability necessary for your data platform?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#features\">What are the must-have features of a strong data observability platform?</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"what\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >What is data observability?</h2>\r\nData is increasingly important to today’s businesses — and ensuring the quality and reliability of that data is critical. High-quality data is the fuel for everything from building new products to driving accurate decision making. <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Data observability</a> was created to make ensuring the quality of data easier, faster, and more scalable over the long term.\r\n\r\nData observability gives organizations a complete view of their data's health at every stage — from data pipelines to infrastructure — as well as delivering at-a-glance views of dependencies and relationships between datasets. By leveraging data observability, data teams can quickly identify and resolve data quality issues before they reach data consumers, effectively reducing costs, minimizing impact, and driving confidence in the data products it protects.\r\n<div id=\"why\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Why is data observability necessary?</h2>\r\n<em>Data downtime</em> — time when data is incomplete, erroneous, missing, or otherwise inaccurate — can be disastrous for organizations. From misallocated budgets to broken AI models, data quality issues can wreak havoc on organizations of all kinds.\r\n\r\nWhile data quality testing and monitoring are relatively common practices, data observability goes beyond the traditional methods of testing and monitoring. Data observability manages and improves data quality <em>at scale</em> by leveraging automated monitoring, custom rules, root cause analysis tools, and impact analysis to not only catch and resolve known data quality incidents faster but to detect and resolve unknown data quality issues as well.\r\n<div id=\"features\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Five must-have elements of a strong data observability platform</h2>\r\nChoosing the right <a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">data observability tool</a> can help your company avoid a menagerie of serious and costly data quality incidents, so it’s important to know what features you should have on your shopping list. Below are five features you should look for when considering a data observability solution for your data stack.\r\n<ol>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>ML-powered deep and broad data monitoring — both out-of-the-box and custom monitors</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">A key aspect of an effective data observability platform is its use of machine learning (ML) for data monitoring. Platforms with ML enable teams to programmatically identify data quality and performance issues, such as data freshness, volume issues, and schema changes out-of-the-box. Data observability platforms also offer the ability to create custom monitors that are tailored to your specific business needs and applied to your most critical tables, providing deep monitoring where you need it and allowing you to tackle recurrent data issues that can crop up within specific data environments.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>End-to-end integrations across cloud and on-prem tooling</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">An effective data observability platform should work with tools both in the cloud and on-prem. This necessary integration allows for comprehensive oversight of your data platform, from ingestion and storage to transformation and consumption. This integration helps track data movement across a variety of settings, which improves the platform's ability to find and fix quality issues quickly and effectively.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Incident triaging and resolution workflows</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">To reduce the impact of data problems, it's important to have effective workflows for triaging and resolving incidents. A good data observability platform simplifies the steps to detect, triage, resolve, and measure data quality issues. This usually involves automatic alerts, tools to prioritize issues by severity and impact, and robust integrations with messaging and project management tools that complement existing workflows. Efficient prioritization means data teams can concentrate on the most urgent problems, which helps decrease delays and keeps the data accurate and reliable.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Root cause and impact analysis via field-level lineage</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">Identifying the underlying cause of a data quality issue is essential to preventing it in the future. An effective data observability platform will provide field-level lineage, which provides an at-a-glance view of where the data came from, how it was changed, and what dependencies or data products are impacted by it. This information allows data teams to quickly understand the root-cause of an issue upon detection, decide who’s responsible for resolving it, and determine who should be informed to minimize cost.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>\r\n<p class=\"first-para\"><strong>Performance monitoring — query optimization and cloud cost management</strong></p>\r\n<p class=\"child-para\">A key part of a strong data observability platform is performance monitoring, which includes improving query efficiency and managing cloud costs. This function helps you find and fix inefficient data queries and processes that could raise operating costs or slow down performance. By making queries more efficient and optimizing cloud resources, organizations can make their data operations more cost-effective and deliver greater value from their data platform at a significantly lower cost.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Pioneering the future of reliable data with data observability</h2>\r\nImplementing a data observability platform that includes these five elements will empower your organization to reduce data downtime, improve data reliability, deliver more value for stakeholders, and foster an environment of data trust across your organization.\r\n\r\nDownload <em><a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\">Data Observability For Dummies</a></em> to discover how data observability can help you improve your data reliability, build organizational trust, and deliver even more value from your data products.","blurb":"","authors":[],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34244,"title":"Data 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Governance","slug":"tools-used-for-data-governance","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","data-management"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":296085,"title":"What Is Data Governance?","slug":"what-is-data-governance","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","data-management"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":295904,"title":"Data Governance For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"data-governance-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","data-management"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":223424,"title":"Data Management Considerations for Your Business Plan","slug":"data-management-considerations-business-plan","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","data-management"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":0,"slug":null,"isbn":null,"categoryList":null,"amazon":null,"image":null,"title":null,"testBankPinActivationLink":null,"bookOutOfPrint":false,"authorsInfo":null,"authors":null,"_links":null},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;data-management&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[null]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;sponsored&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;customsolutions&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65b3f3687f354\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div 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Monte Carlo Special Edition","sponsorEbookLink":"//","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":"//","width":164,"height":255}},"primaryLearningPath":"Solve","lifeExpectancy":"One year","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[{"adPairKey":"sponsored","adPairValue":"customsolutions"}]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":301483},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2023-12-07T20:53:27+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-01-26T15:31:46+00:00","timestamp":"2025-01-26T18:01:11+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Operations","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"operations","categoryId":34247}],"title":"How a Quality Management System Boosts Product Excellence and Success","strippedTitle":"how a quality management system boosts product excellence and success","slug":"how-a-quality-management-system-boosts-product-excellence-and-success","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Learn how an effective quality management system can help companies more easily collect, integrate, and act upon data to automate best practices and processes and boost quality.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"In this article you will learn:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#system\">What is a quality management system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#benefits\">What are the benefits of a good quality system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#data-important\">Why is data important in quality management?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#challenge\">What is a challenge in implementing a quality management system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#decision-making\">How does a good quality management system impact decision-making?</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"system\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >What is a quality management system?</h2>\r\nA quality management system (QMS) is a strategic discipline that requires a framework, significant financial and resource investments, and an enterprise-wide commitment.\r\n\r\nCompanies today recognize that quality isn’t just a vague attribute to claim in marketing materials or on a website. Quality is a key business driver that is essential to success.\r\n\r\n<img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-295915\" src=\"//\" alt=\"men working in factory checking for quality\" width=\"535\" height=\"355\" />\r\n<div id=\"benefits\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >What are the benefits of a good quality system?</h2>\r\nIt helps organizations to:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Improve their processes and products</li>\r\n \t<li>Reduce costs</li>\r\n \t<li>Boost the customer experience</li>\r\n \t<li>Meet key compliance requirements</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nOrganizations are turning to digital solutions to automate quality management. A quality management system enables organizations to:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Automatically document, manage, and control the structure, processes, roles, responsibilities, and procedures required to ensure quality management</li>\r\n \t<li>Centralize quality data enterprise-wide so that organizations can analyze and act upon it</li>\r\n \t<li>Access and understand data not only within the organization, but also external data residing with suppliers and other partners</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"data-important\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Why is data important in quality management?</h2>\r\nThe key to leveraging a QMS for better business outcomes is data. Even the most advanced QMS is useless without effective data. Data gathered across the connected ecosystem – from manufacturing floors to business offices – provides the insights to boost efficiency, productivity, and quality.\r\n\r\nAn effective QMS can help companies more easily collect, integrate, and act upon data to automate best practices and processes and boost quality enterprise-wide. This is crucial since, with all the different systems in use from product design to delivery, sharing data to derive insights can seem like an insurmountable task.\r\n<div id=\"challenge\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >What is a challenge in implementing a quality management system?</h2>\r\nMany organizations don’t have sufficient data or the processes in place to get insights on the products they build to make informed decisions or mitigate risk. They’re delivering what they think they should provide, or what’s required by law, but without the data-driven insights to help them reach the next level.\r\n\r\n<img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-295916\" src=\"//\" alt=\"The hidden cost of poor quality can be up to 4x the visible costs\" width=\"535\" height=\"448\" />\r\n<div id=\"decision-making\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >How does a good quality management system impact decision-making?</h2>\r\nThe next evolution of effective quality management is connected quality that arms companies with the data and automation needed to improve decision-making at every stage of the product lifecycle and empower employees to deliver the highest quality.\r\n\r\nToday’s quality management systems can enable companies to more easily and accurately automate quality processes to reach new levels of product excellence, brand reputation, and competitive leadership. And it requires an approach that involves the entire organization in order to succeed.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >References</h2>\r\n<a href=\"//\">10 Steps to Using Data to Improve Business Decisions</a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"//\">Data Analysis and Decision-Making</a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"//\">Tips for Making Good Business Decisions</a>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >About the Book</h2>\r\nWiley has recently published <a class=\"bookSponsor-btn\" href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\"><em>Advanced Quality Management for Dummies, ETQ Special 2nd Edition</em></a>. The book provides a dynamic introduction to comprehensive quality management and helps business leaders discover the steps required to select and implement a QMS that can bring a quality culture to an organization and create more satisfied customers.\r\n\r\nDownload<strong><a class=\"bookSponsor-btn\" href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\"> ETQ’s Advanced QMS For Dummies eBook</a></strong> to discover more about the operational and business impact of a QMS, plus best practices for selecting and deploying the right QMS for your organization.","description":"In this article you will learn:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#system\">What is a quality management system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#benefits\">What are the benefits of a good quality system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#data-important\">Why is data important in quality management?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#challenge\">What is a challenge in implementing a quality management system?</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href=\"#decision-making\">How does a good quality management system impact decision-making?</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"system\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >What is a quality management system?</h2>\r\nA quality management system (QMS) is a strategic discipline that requires a framework, significant financial and resource investments, and an enterprise-wide commitment.\r\n\r\nCompanies today recognize that quality isn’t just a vague attribute to claim in marketing materials or on a website. Quality is a key business driver that is essential to success.\r\n\r\n<img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-295915\" src=\"//\" alt=\"men working in factory checking for quality\" width=\"535\" height=\"355\" />\r\n<div id=\"benefits\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >What are the benefits of a good quality system?</h2>\r\nIt helps organizations to:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Improve their processes and products</li>\r\n \t<li>Reduce costs</li>\r\n \t<li>Boost the customer experience</li>\r\n \t<li>Meet key compliance requirements</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nOrganizations are turning to digital solutions to automate quality management. A quality management system enables organizations to:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Automatically document, manage, and control the structure, processes, roles, responsibilities, and procedures required to ensure quality management</li>\r\n \t<li>Centralize quality data enterprise-wide so that organizations can analyze and act upon it</li>\r\n \t<li>Access and understand data not only within the organization, but also external data residing with suppliers and other partners</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div id=\"data-important\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Why is data important in quality management?</h2>\r\nThe key to leveraging a QMS for better business outcomes is data. Even the most advanced QMS is useless without effective data. Data gathered across the connected ecosystem – from manufacturing floors to business offices – provides the insights to boost efficiency, productivity, and quality.\r\n\r\nAn effective QMS can help companies more easily collect, integrate, and act upon data to automate best practices and processes and boost quality enterprise-wide. This is crucial since, with all the different systems in use from product design to delivery, sharing data to derive insights can seem like an insurmountable task.\r\n<div id=\"challenge\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >What is a challenge in implementing a quality management system?</h2>\r\nMany organizations don’t have sufficient data or the processes in place to get insights on the products they build to make informed decisions or mitigate risk. They’re delivering what they think they should provide, or what’s required by law, but without the data-driven insights to help them reach the next level.\r\n\r\n<img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-295916\" src=\"//\" alt=\"The hidden cost of poor quality can be up to 4x the visible costs\" width=\"535\" height=\"448\" />\r\n<div id=\"decision-making\"></div>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >How does a good quality management system impact decision-making?</h2>\r\nThe next evolution of effective quality management is connected quality that arms companies with the data and automation needed to improve decision-making at every stage of the product lifecycle and empower employees to deliver the highest quality.\r\n\r\nToday’s quality management systems can enable companies to more easily and accurately automate quality processes to reach new levels of product excellence, brand reputation, and competitive leadership. And it requires an approach that involves the entire organization in order to succeed.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >References</h2>\r\n<a href=\"//\">10 Steps to Using Data to Improve Business Decisions</a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"//\">Data Analysis and Decision-Making</a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"//\">Tips for Making Good Business Decisions</a>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >About the Book</h2>\r\nWiley has recently published <a class=\"bookSponsor-btn\" href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\"><em>Advanced Quality Management for Dummies, ETQ Special 2nd Edition</em></a>. The book provides a dynamic introduction to comprehensive quality management and helps business leaders discover the steps required to select and implement a QMS that can bring a quality culture to an organization and create more satisfied customers.\r\n\r\nDownload<strong><a class=\"bookSponsor-btn\" href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" data-testid=\"bookSponsorDownloadButton\"> ETQ’s Advanced QMS For Dummies eBook</a></strong> to discover more about the operational and business impact of a QMS, plus best practices for selecting and deploying the right QMS for your organization.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":35216,"name":"David Isaacson","slug":"david-isaacson","description":"David Isaacson is the Vice President of Product Marketing at ETQ, where he develops market strategies and product positioning for the company’s cloud-based quality management solutions.","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34247,"title":"Operations","slug":"operations","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34225,"title":"Business","slug":"business","_links":{"self":"//"}},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34247,"title":"Operations","slug":"operations","_links":{"self":"//"}},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[{"label":"What is a quality management system?","target":"#tab1"},{"label":"What are the benefits of a good quality system?","target":"#tab2"},{"label":"Why is data important in quality management?","target":"#tab3"},{"label":"What is a challenge in implementing a quality management system?","target":"#tab4"},{"label":"How does a good quality management system impact decision-making?","target":"#tab5"},{"label":"References","target":"#tab6"},{"label":"About the Book","target":"#tab7"}],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":292019,"title":"Supplier Diversity For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"supplier-diversity-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","operations"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277402,"title":"Supply Chain Career Categories","slug":"supply-chain-career-categories","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","operations"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277394,"title":"Supply Chain Analytics: Correlation, Causation, and Interpolation","slug":"supply-chain-analytics-correlation-causation-and-interpolation","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","operations"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277388,"title":"Supply Chain Management: Planning and Scheduling Production","slug":"supply-chain-management-planning-and-scheduling-production","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","operations"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":277383,"title":"How Supply Chain Processes Evolve","slug":"how-supply-chain-processes-evolve","categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","operations"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":0,"slug":null,"isbn":null,"categoryList":null,"amazon":null,"image":null,"title":null,"testBankPinActivationLink":null,"bookOutOfPrint":false,"authorsInfo":null,"authors":null,"_links":null},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;operations&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[null]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;sponsored&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;etq_advanced_quality_management&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65b3f36834793\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;business&quot;,&quot;operations&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[null]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;sponsored&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;etq_advanced_quality_management&quot;]}]\" 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year","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"yes","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[{"adPairKey":"sponsored","adPairValue":"etq_advanced_quality_management"}]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":295914},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2017-03-26T22:43:36+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-01-24T15:29:03+00:00","timestamp":"2025-01-24T18:01:11+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Careers","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"careers","categoryId":34256},{"name":"Fitness Careers","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"fitness-careers","categoryId":34260}],"title":"Important Tools for Personal Trainers","strippedTitle":"important tools for personal trainers","slug":"checking-out-some-important-personal-trainer-equipment","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Equip yourself with the right mindset and tools to succeed as a personal trainer. Be honest, determined, and willing to adapt for optimal results.","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"You wear many hats in your role as a personal trainer. You're a salesperson, scientist, friend, coach, motivator, teacher, employer, bookkeeper, and business owner, to name just a few. To be successful wearing any of these hats, you need to be equipped properly — and that means you need to have the right tools to use at the right time.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Your mindset</h2>\r\nThe equipment available to help you be a successful trainer is limitless: cellphones, computers, software programs, weight-training equipment, cardiovascular equipment. . . . The list goes on.\r\n\r\nNo matter what types of toys you have (or how expensive or cutting edge they are), it won't matter if you don't have the most important one: the right mindset.\r\n\r\nImportant factors for having the right mindset are:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Honesty:</b> You need to be honest with yourself about what you realistically can and cannot do; this flows through to your clientele as well.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Determination:</b> Not every day is easy; you won't always have a full book, and sometimes those slow days end up being weeks. Pushing ahead and staying on track when the going gets tough takes determination and focus.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Willingness: </b>You need to be willing to change if your original course of action isn't producing the results that you want. You also need to be willing to keep an open mind when your client is complaining that she's not happy with your services. Willingness is more about what you should do as opposed to what you want to do — after all, sometimes you'll have to do things that you don't <i>want</i> to do.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Your certification</h2>\r\nCertification is your badge of honor — it tells everyone who works with you, from employers to clients, that not only do you <i>say</i> you know what you're doing, but you can also prove it.\r\n\r\nCertification assures your client that you're a true fitness professional; you've undergone stringent studies and testing protocols to figure out what to do and what not to do as a personal training professional. It ensures your client that you know what they don't — which is how to help her reach her fitness goals, safely and efficiently.\r\n\r\nBeing certified also gives you the credibility you need for other professionals and clients to take you seriously. Certification helps you to build a solid rapport with the people you will be doing business with, such as:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Employers</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Clients</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Mentors</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Media contacts</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Doctors with whom you have a referral relationship</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Your business card</h2>\r\nHere are some tips for making a long-lasting impression with your business card:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>In the case of a chance meeting, when someone asks you, \"What is it that you do?\" have a brief summary (called an <i>elevator pitch</i>) prepared that makes you memorable as you hand her your business card. For example, you can say, \"I help people look great naked\" or \"I build muscles.\"</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Make sure the information on your card is correct and up to date. If your area has just recently implemented ten-digit dialing, if your area code has changed, or if you've just gotten an e-mail address, make sure you invest in a new set of business cards to reflect your new contact information.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p class=\"Remember\">The impression you leave with a potential client is the one that will bring her back to you for business. Make sure that your business card reflects everything you want your potential client to remember about you — professionalism, integrity, quality, and trustworthiness.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Tape measure</h2>\r\nThe tape measure can be used for many different things. You can record your client's <i>anthropometric measurements</i> (body circumference) with it to show change and make sure she's on track to achieving her personal goals. You can also measure degrees of flexibility as well as how far your client can reach past her toes in the sit-and-reach flexibility test. Other uses for the tape measure are:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring vertical jump height</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring <i>plyometric</i> (explosive) movement distances</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring length of stride</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring stance distances</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >Body-weight scale</h2>\r\nGoing hand in hand with recording baseline <i>biometrics</i> (body measurements), a scale is useful and important in determining gross bodyweight. After you've recorded your client's gross body weight, you can assess body-fat percentage, BMI, and one-rep-max percentages to determine how heavy your client needs to be to train for her workouts.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >Heart-rate monitor</h2>\r\nHaving a heart-rate monitor for your client to use while you train her has multiple benefits:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>It allows you to see where her heart rate is without stopping her exercise.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>A heart-rate monitor is a lot more accurate than the palpation method.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Your client will get instant feedback from it — it is an invaluable tool when it comes to teaching clients about perceived rate of exertion and working intensity.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>You can use it to teach your client stress management, breathing, and biofeedback techniques.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >Jump rope</h2>\r\nA jump rope is a light, inexpensive, very portable, and excellent tool for challenging your client's cardiovascular system. Anyone at any fitness level can use it — and as exercises go, your client will burn more calories per minute jumping rope than doing any other activity!\r\n\r\nSkipping rope is a challenging workout that burns about 360 calories per half-hour (by comparison, moderate running or jogging burns about 330 calories per half-hour).\r\n\r\nExperts suggest rubber, leather, or <i>beaded ropes</i> (ropes with small plastic tubes on a cord). The grip should be foam-based to absorb sweat and give your client a firm grasp.\r\n\r\nThe client should be able to stand on the rope and hold the handles slightly above waist height. Jump ropes generally come in 6- and 9-foot lengths, and many have detachable handles so you can trim the rope yourself.","description":"You wear many hats in your role as a personal trainer. You're a salesperson, scientist, friend, coach, motivator, teacher, employer, bookkeeper, and business owner, to name just a few. To be successful wearing any of these hats, you need to be equipped properly — and that means you need to have the right tools to use at the right time.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Your mindset</h2>\r\nThe equipment available to help you be a successful trainer is limitless: cellphones, computers, software programs, weight-training equipment, cardiovascular equipment. . . . The list goes on.\r\n\r\nNo matter what types of toys you have (or how expensive or cutting edge they are), it won't matter if you don't have the most important one: the right mindset.\r\n\r\nImportant factors for having the right mindset are:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Honesty:</b> You need to be honest with yourself about what you realistically can and cannot do; this flows through to your clientele as well.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Determination:</b> Not every day is easy; you won't always have a full book, and sometimes those slow days end up being weeks. Pushing ahead and staying on track when the going gets tough takes determination and focus.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><b>Willingness: </b>You need to be willing to change if your original course of action isn't producing the results that you want. You also need to be willing to keep an open mind when your client is complaining that she's not happy with your services. Willingness is more about what you should do as opposed to what you want to do — after all, sometimes you'll have to do things that you don't <i>want</i> to do.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab2\" >Your certification</h2>\r\nCertification is your badge of honor — it tells everyone who works with you, from employers to clients, that not only do you <i>say</i> you know what you're doing, but you can also prove it.\r\n\r\nCertification assures your client that you're a true fitness professional; you've undergone stringent studies and testing protocols to figure out what to do and what not to do as a personal training professional. It ensures your client that you know what they don't — which is how to help her reach her fitness goals, safely and efficiently.\r\n\r\nBeing certified also gives you the credibility you need for other professionals and clients to take you seriously. Certification helps you to build a solid rapport with the people you will be doing business with, such as:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Employers</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Clients</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Mentors</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Media contacts</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Doctors with whom you have a referral relationship</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab3\" >Your business card</h2>\r\nHere are some tips for making a long-lasting impression with your business card:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>In the case of a chance meeting, when someone asks you, \"What is it that you do?\" have a brief summary (called an <i>elevator pitch</i>) prepared that makes you memorable as you hand her your business card. For example, you can say, \"I help people look great naked\" or \"I build muscles.\"</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Make sure the information on your card is correct and up to date. If your area has just recently implemented ten-digit dialing, if your area code has changed, or if you've just gotten an e-mail address, make sure you invest in a new set of business cards to reflect your new contact information.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p class=\"Remember\">The impression you leave with a potential client is the one that will bring her back to you for business. Make sure that your business card reflects everything you want your potential client to remember about you — professionalism, integrity, quality, and trustworthiness.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 id=\"tab4\" >Tape measure</h2>\r\nThe tape measure can be used for many different things. You can record your client's <i>anthropometric measurements</i> (body circumference) with it to show change and make sure she's on track to achieving her personal goals. You can also measure degrees of flexibility as well as how far your client can reach past her toes in the sit-and-reach flexibility test. Other uses for the tape measure are:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring vertical jump height</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring <i>plyometric</i> (explosive) movement distances</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring length of stride</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Measuring stance distances</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab5\" >Body-weight scale</h2>\r\nGoing hand in hand with recording baseline <i>biometrics</i> (body measurements), a scale is useful and important in determining gross bodyweight. After you've recorded your client's gross body weight, you can assess body-fat percentage, BMI, and one-rep-max percentages to determine how heavy your client needs to be to train for her workouts.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab6\" >Heart-rate monitor</h2>\r\nHaving a heart-rate monitor for your client to use while you train her has multiple benefits:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>It allows you to see where her heart rate is without stopping her exercise.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>A heart-rate monitor is a lot more accurate than the palpation method.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Your client will get instant feedback from it — it is an invaluable tool when it comes to teaching clients about perceived rate of exertion and working intensity.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>You can use it to teach your client stress management, breathing, and biofeedback techniques.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2 id=\"tab7\" >Jump rope</h2>\r\nA jump rope is a light, inexpensive, very portable, and excellent tool for challenging your client's cardiovascular system. Anyone at any fitness level can use it — and as exercises go, your client will burn more calories per minute jumping rope than doing any other activity!\r\n\r\nSkipping rope is a challenging workout that burns about 360 calories per half-hour (by comparison, moderate running or jogging burns about 330 calories per half-hour).\r\n\r\nExperts suggest rubber, leather, or <i>beaded ropes</i> (ropes with small plastic tubes on a cord). The grip should be foam-based to absorb sweat and give your client a firm grasp.\r\n\r\nThe client should be able to stand on the rope and hold the handles slightly above waist height. Jump ropes generally come in 6- and 9-foot lengths, and many have detachable handles so you can trim the rope yourself.","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":10580,"name":"Melyssa St. Michael","slug":"melyssa-st-michael","description":" <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":10581,"name":"Linda Formichelli","slug":"linda-formichelli","description":" <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"primaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":34260,"title":"Fitness Careers","slug":"fitness-careers","_links":{"self":"//"}},"secondaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"tertiaryCategoryTaxonomy":{"categoryId":0,"title":null,"slug":null,"_links":null},"trendingArticles":null,"inThisArticle":[{"label":"Your mindset","target":"#tab1"},{"label":"Your certification","target":"#tab2"},{"label":"Your business card","target":"#tab3"},{"label":"Tape measure","target":"#tab4"},{"label":"Body-weight scale","target":"#tab5"},{"label":"Heart-rate monitor","target":"#tab6"},{"label":"Jump rope","target":"#tab7"}],"relatedArticles":{"fromBook":[{"articleId":209444,"title":"Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"becoming-a-personal-trainer-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":200807,"title":"Being the Best Personal Trainer You Can Be","slug":"being-the-best-personal-trainer-you-can-be","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":200798,"title":"Ways To Buff Up Your Personal Trainer Knowledge","slug":"buffin-up-your-body-of-knowledge-as-a-personal-trainer","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":195801,"title":"How to Ace Your Personal Training Certification Exam","slug":"how-to-ace-your-personal-training-certification-exam","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":195800,"title":"How to Be a Successful Personal Trainer","slug":"how-to-be-a-successful-personal-trainer","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"fromCategory":[{"articleId":209444,"title":"Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies Cheat Sheet","slug":"becoming-a-personal-trainer-for-dummies-cheat-sheet","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":200807,"title":"Being the Best Personal Trainer You Can Be","slug":"being-the-best-personal-trainer-you-can-be","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":200798,"title":"Ways To Buff Up Your Personal Trainer Knowledge","slug":"buffin-up-your-body-of-knowledge-as-a-personal-trainer","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":195801,"title":"How to Ace Your Personal Training Certification Exam","slug":"how-to-ace-your-personal-training-certification-exam","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"articleId":195800,"title":"How to Be a Successful Personal Trainer","slug":"how-to-be-a-successful-personal-trainer","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"_links":{"self":"//"}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":false,"relatedBook":{"bookId":281987,"slug":"becoming-a-personal-trainer-for-dummies","isbn":"9781119891482","categoryList":["business-careers-money","careers","fitness-careers"],"amazon":{"default":"//","ca":"//","indigo_ca":"//","gb":"//","de":"//"},"image":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"title":"Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":true,"authorsInfo":"<p><p><b><b data-author-id=\"10580\">Melyssa St. Michael</b></b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b><b data-author-id=\"10581\">Linda Formichelli</b></b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines.</p>","authors":[{"authorId":10580,"name":"Melyssa St. Michael","slug":"melyssa-st-michael","description":" <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":10581,"name":"Linda Formichelli","slug":"linda-formichelli","description":" <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}},{"authorId":35183,"name":"Shannon Austin","slug":"shannon-austin","description":" <p><b>Melyssa St. Michael</b> is a renowned fitness expert who appears on national news channels and has been interviewed for major publications.</p> <p><b>Linda Formichelli</b> writes for <i>Men&#8217;s Fitness, Muscle Media,</i> and other magazines. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"//"}}],"_links":{"self":"//"}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_adhesion_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;careers&quot;,&quot;fitness-careers&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781119891482&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65b1506778f6d\"></div></div>","rightAd":"<div class=\"du-ad-region row\" id=\"article_page_right_ad\"><div class=\"du-ad-unit col-md-12\" data-slot-id=\"article_page_right_ad\" data-refreshed=\"false\" \r\n data-target = \"[{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;cat&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;business-careers-money&quot;,&quot;careers&quot;,&quot;fitness-careers&quot;]},{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;isbn&quot;,&quot;values&quot;:[&quot;9781119891482&quot;]}]\" id=\"du-slot-65b150677a5ab\"></div></div>"},"articleType":{"articleType":"Articles","articleList":null,"content":null,"videoInfo":{"videoId":null,"name":null,"accountId":null,"playerId":null,"thumbnailUrl":null,"description":null,"uploadDate":null}},"sponsorship":{"sponsorshipPage":false,"backgroundImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"brandingLine":"","brandingLink":"","brandingLogo":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0},"sponsorAd":"","sponsorEbookTitle":"","sponsorEbookLink":"","sponsorEbookImage":{"src":null,"width":0,"height":0}},"primaryLearningPath":"Advance","lifeExpectancy":"Five years","lifeExpectancySetFrom":"2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00","dummiesForKids":"no","sponsoredContent":"no","adInfo":"","adPairKey":[]},"status":"publish","visibility":"public","articleId":199543},{"headers":{"creationTime":"2018-10-27T11:58:58+00:00","modifiedTime":"2025-01-23T20:29:34+00:00","timestamp":"2025-01-23T21:01:11+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Project Management","_links":{"self":"//"},"slug":"project-management","categoryId":34249}],"title":"How to Apply the Agile Principles of Project Management","strippedTitle":"how to apply the agile principles of project management","slug":"apply-agile-principles-project-management","canonicalUrl":"","搜到引擎优化":{"metaDescription":"Agile principles are designed specifically to increase the success of your projects. Agility in project management encompasses three key areas: Making sure the ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"Agile principles are designed specifically to increase the success of your projects. Agility in project management encompasses three key areas:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Making sure the development team can be productive and can sustainably increase productivity over long periods of time</li>\r\n \t<li>Ensuring that information about the project’s progress is available to stakeholders without interrupting the flow of development activities by asking the development team for updates</li>\r\n \t<li>Handling requests for new features as they occur and integrating them into the product development cycle</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nAn agile approach focuses on planning and executing the work to produce the best product that can be released. The approach is supported by communicating openly, avoiding distractions and wasteful activities, and ensuring that the progress of the project is clear to everyone.\r\n\r\nAll 12 principles support project management, but principles 2, 8, and 10 stand out:\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(2)</strong> Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.</p>\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(8)</strong> Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.</p>\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(10)</strong> Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.</p>\r\nFollowing are some advantages of adopting agile project management:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Agile project teams achieve faster time-to-market, and consequentially cost savings. They start development earlier than in traditional approaches because agile approaches minimize the exhaustive upfront planning and documentation that is conventionally part of the early stages of a waterfall project.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile development teams are self-organizing and self-managing. The managerial effort normally put into telling developers how to do their work can be applied to removing impediments and organizational distractions that slow down the development team.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile development teams determine how much work they can accomplish in an iteration and commit to achieving those goals. Ownership is fundamentally different because the development team is establishing the commitment, not complying with an externally developed commitment.</li>\r\n \t<li>An agile approach asks, “What is the minimum we can do to achieve the goal?” instead of focusing on including all the features and extra refinements that could possibly be needed. An agile approach usually means streamlining: barely sufficient documentation, removal of unnecessary meetings, avoidance of inefficient communication (such as email), and less coding (just enough to make it work).\r\n<p class=\"article-tips warning\">Creating complicated documents that aren’t useful for product development is a waste of effort. It’s okay to document a decision, but you don’t need multiple pages on the history and nuances of how the decision was made. Keep the documentation barely sufficient, and you will have more time to focus on supporting the development team.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>By encapsulating development into short sprints that last one to four weeks or less, you can adhere to the goals of the current iteration while accommodating change in subsequent iterations. The length of each sprint remains the same throughout the project to provide a predictable rhythm of development for the team long-term.</li>\r\n \t<li>Planning, elaborating on requirements, developing, testing, and demonstrating functionality occur within an iteration, lowering the risk of heading in the wrong direction for extended periods of time or developing something that the customer doesn’t want.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile practices encourage a steady pace of development that is productive and healthy. For example, in the popular agile development set of practices called extreme programming (XP), the maximum workweek is 40 hours, and the preferred workweek is 35 hours. Agile projects are sustainable and more productive, especially long term.\r\n<p class=\"article-tips warning\">Traditional approaches routinely feature a death march, in which the project team puts in extremely long hours for days and even weeks at the end of a project to meet a previously unidentified and unrealistic deadline. As the death march goes on, productivity tends to drop dramatically. More defects are introduced, and because defects need to be corrected in a way that doesn’t break a different piece of functionality, correcting defects is the most expensive work that can be performed. Defects are often the result of overloading a system — specifically demanding an unsustainable pace of work.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Priorities, experience on the existing project, and, eventually, the speed at which development will likely occur within each sprint are clear, making for good decisions about how much can or should be accomplished in a given amount of time.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nIf you’ve worked on a project before, you might have a basic understanding of project management activities. In this table, you find a few traditional project management tasks, along with how you would meet those needs with agile approaches. Use the table to capture your thoughts about your experiences and how agile approaches looks different from traditional project management.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Contrasting Historical Project Management with Agile Project Management</h2>\r\n<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td><strong>Traditional Project Management Tasks</strong></td>\r\n<td><strong>Agile Approach to the Project Management Task</strong></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</thead>\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Create a fully detailed project requirement document at the beginning of the project. Try to control requirement changes throughout the project.</td>\r\n<td>Create a product backlog — a simple list of requirements by priority. Quickly update the product backlog as requirements and priorities change throughout the project.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Conduct weekly status meetings with all project stakeholders and developers. Send out detailed meeting notes and status reports after each meeting.</td>\r\n<td>The development team meets quickly, for no longer than 15 minutes, at the start of each day to coordinate and synchronize that day’s work and any roadblocks. They can update the centrally visible burndown chart in under a minute at the end of each day.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Create a detailed project schedule with all tasks at the beginning of the project. Try to keep the project tasks on schedule. Update the schedule on a regular basis.</td>\r\n<td>Work within sprints and identify only specific tasks for the active sprint.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Assign tasks to the development team.</td>\r\n<td>Support the development team by helping remove impediments and distractions. On agile projects, development teams define and pull (as opposed to push) their own tasks.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<p class=\"article-tips tip\">Project management is facilitated by the following agile approaches:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Supporting the development team</li>\r\n \t<li>Producing barely sufficient documents</li>\r\n \t<li>Streamlining status reporting so that information is pushed out by the development team in seconds rather than pulled out by a project manager over a longer period of time</li>\r\n \t<li>Minimizing nondevelopment tasks</li>\r\n \t<li>Setting expectations that change is normal and beneficial, not something to be feared or evaded</li>\r\n \t<li>Adopting a just-in-time requirements refinement to minimize change disruption and wasted effort</li>\r\n \t<li>Collaborating with the development team to create realistic schedules, targets, and goals</li>\r\n \t<li>Protecting the development team from organizational disruptions that could undermine project goals by introducing work not relevant to the project objectives</li>\r\n \t<li>Understanding that an appropriate balance between work and life is a component of efficient development</li>\r\n</ul>","description":"Agile principles are designed specifically to increase the success of your projects. Agility in project management encompasses three key areas:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Making sure the development team can be productive and can sustainably increase productivity over long periods of time</li>\r\n \t<li>Ensuring that information about the project’s progress is available to stakeholders without interrupting the flow of development activities by asking the development team for updates</li>\r\n \t<li>Handling requests for new features as they occur and integrating them into the product development cycle</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nAn agile approach focuses on planning and executing the work to produce the best product that can be released. The approach is supported by communicating openly, avoiding distractions and wasteful activities, and ensuring that the progress of the project is clear to everyone.\r\n\r\nAll 12 principles support project management, but principles 2, 8, and 10 stand out:\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(2)</strong> Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.</p>\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(8)</strong> Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.</p>\r\n<p style=\"padding-left: 30px;\"><strong>(10)</strong> Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.</p>\r\nFollowing are some advantages of adopting agile project management:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Agile project teams achieve faster time-to-market, and consequentially cost savings. They start development earlier than in traditional approaches because agile approaches minimize the exhaustive upfront planning and documentation that is conventionally part of the early stages of a waterfall project.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile development teams are self-organizing and self-managing. The managerial effort normally put into telling developers how to do their work can be applied to removing impediments and organizational distractions that slow down the development team.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile development teams determine how much work they can accomplish in an iteration and commit to achieving those goals. Ownership is fundamentally different because the development team is establishing the commitment, not complying with an externally developed commitment.</li>\r\n \t<li>An agile approach asks, “What is the minimum we can do to achieve the goal?” instead of focusing on including all the features and extra refinements that could possibly be needed. An agile approach usually means streamlining: barely sufficient documentation, removal of unnecessary meetings, avoidance of inefficient communication (such as email), and less coding (just enough to make it work).\r\n<p class=\"article-tips warning\">Creating complicated documents that aren’t useful for product development is a waste of effort. It’s okay to document a decision, but you don’t need multiple pages on the history and nuances of how the decision was made. Keep the documentation barely sufficient, and you will have more time to focus on supporting the development team.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n \t<li>By encapsulating development into short sprints that last one to four weeks or less, you can adhere to the goals of the current iteration while accommodating change in subsequent iterations. The length of each sprint remains the same throughout the project to provide a predictable rhythm of development for the team long-term.</li>\r\n \t<li>Planning, elaborating on requirements, developing, testing, and demonstrating functionality occur within an iteration, lowering the risk of heading in the wrong direction for extended periods of time or developing something that the customer doesn’t want.</li>\r\n \t<li>Agile practices encourage a steady pace of development that is productive and healthy. For example, in the popular agile development set of practices called extreme programming (XP), the maximum workweek is 40 hours, and the preferred workweek is 35 hours. Agile projects are sustainable and more productive, especially long term.\r\n<p class=\"article-tips warning\">Traditional approaches routinely feature a death march, in which the project team puts in extremely long hours for days and even weeks at the end of a project to meet a previously unidentified and unrealistic deadline. As the death march goes on, productivity tends to drop dramatically. More defects are introduced, and because defects need to be corrected in a way that doesn’t break a different piece of functionality, correcting defects is the most expensive work that can be performed. Defects are often the result of overloading a system — specifically demanding an unsustainable pace of work.</p>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Priorities, experience on the existing project, and, eventually, the speed at which development will likely occur within each sprint are clear, making for good decisions about how much can or should be accomplished in a given amount of time.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nIf you’ve worked on a project before, you might have a basic understanding of project management activities. In this table, you find a few traditional project management tasks, along with how you would meet those needs with agile approaches. Use the table to capture your thoughts about your experiences and how agile approaches looks different from traditional project management.\r\n<h2 id=\"tab1\" >Contrasting Historical Project Management with Agile Project Management</h2>\r\n<table>\r\n<thead>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td><strong>Traditional Project Management Tasks</strong></td>\r\n<td><strong>Agile Approach to the Project Management Task</strong></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</thead>\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Create a fully detailed project requirement document at the beginning of the project. Try to control requirement changes throughout the project.</td>\r\n<td>Create a product backlog — a simple list of requirements by priority. Quickly update the product backlog as requirements and priorities change throughout the project.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Conduct weekly status meetings with all project stakeholders and developers. Send out detailed meeting notes and status reports after each meeting.</td>\r\n<td>The development team meets quickly, for no longer than 15 minutes, at the start of each day to coordinate and synchronize that day’s work and any roadblocks. They can update the centrally visible burndown chart in under a minute at the end of each day.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Create a detailed project schedule with all tasks at the beginning of the project. Try to keep the project tasks on schedule. Update the schedule on a regular basis.</td>\r\n<td>Work within sprints and identify only specific tasks for the active sprint.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Assign tasks to the development team.</td>\r\n<td>Support the development team by helping remove impediments and distractions. On agile projects, development teams define and pull (as opposed to push) their own tasks.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<p class=\"article-tips tip\">Project management is facilitated by the following agile approaches:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Supporting the development team</li>\r\n \t<li>Producing barely sufficient documents</li>\r\n \t<li>Streamlining status reporting so that information is pushed out by the development team in seconds rather than pulled out by a project manager over a longer period of time</li>\r\n \t<li>Minimizing nondevelopment tasks</li>\r\n \t<li>Setting expectations that change is normal and beneficial, not something to be feared or evaded</li>\r\n \t<li>Adopting a just-in-time requirements refinement to minimize change disruption and wasted effort</li>\r\n \t<li>Collaborating with the development team to create realistic schedules, targets, and goals</li>\r\n \t<li>Protecting the development team from organizational disruptions that could undermine project goals by introducing work not relevant to the project objectives</li>\r\n \t<li>Understanding that an appropriate balance between work and life is a component of efficient development</li>\r\n</ul>","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9158,"name":"Mark C. Layton","slug":"mark-c-layton","description":" <p><b>Mark C. Layton,</b> &#34;Mr. Agile<sup>&#174;</sup>,&#34; is an executive and BoD advisor. He is the Los Angeles chair for the Agile Leadership Network, a Certified Scrum Trainer &#40;CST&#41;, and founder of agile transformation firm Platinum Edge. Mark is also coauthor of <i>Agile Project Management For Dummies.</i> <b>David Morrow</b> is a Certified Scrum Professional &#40;CSP&#41;, Certified Agile Coach &#40;ICP&#45;ACC&#41;, and an executive agile coach. 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